The Holy Season of Lent Begins

The Holy Great Fast, or Lent, the season of spiritual renewal and reconciliation of God and man, begins on Monday, February 23 for Eastern Rite Catholics.
Fasting Laws
The first day of Lent and Good Friday, all persons 14 years of age and over are obliged to abstain from meat and dairy products.  On all Fridays of Lent and Holy Saturday, meat may not be eaten.  Anyone who performs hard manual labor, the sick, pregnant and nursing mothers, are exempt.
Our Parish's Lenten Services
Stations of the Cross:  Wednesdays at 6:30 PM.
Sorokousty: Liturgy and Lenten Commemoration of the Dead, Thursdays at 6:30 PM, except for Friday March 13.
Every Christian has an obligation in conscience to be reconciled with God by means of the Sacrament of Confession at least once a year at Easter time.  This period starts with the beginning of Holy Lent and lasts until Ascension Thursday. On Saturday, March 14 there will be special confessions, with a visiting priest, from 1 to 3 PM – in English or Ukrainian.