Christmas Greetings!

Христос Рождається!  ~  Славіте Його!

Christ is Born… Glorify Him!

The Christmas Gospels speak to us of a family, rejoicing at a child’s birth, their lives uniquely affected by God’s presence in their midst, responding with faith and trust to their special role in the history of salvation.

The example of the Holy Family inspires us as we celebrate Christmas.  As they rejoice at Jesus’ birth, so too do we, remembering the new divine life made possible by Jesus’ life on earth.

To all we extend our prayerful best wishes for a joyous and blessed Christmas.  I am deeply grateful to all of you for all that is being accomplished in the life of the parish.  As we ask for your prayers, we assure you of ours, that in the New Year we who are God’s family on earth may serve Him with gladness!

Sincerely in Christ,

Fr. Roman, Dn. Paul, Dn. Paul J., Sisters, M.S.M.G., Parish Staff