2010 Spring Ukrainian Dance & Music Program

Our parish recently sponsored a free Spring Ukrainian Dance & Music Program in the school auditorium on Sunday, May 2, 2010.
The parish's Надія Dance Ensemble performed the dances: “Квітка,” “Пліткарки,” “Буковина,” and “Одна Калина.” Also from the parish, the newly formed youth dance group Веселка  performed a dance titled "Веселка." The dance group Червона Калина from Jersey City, performed the dances: “Давайте Потанцюєто” and  “Гопак.” The Assumption Catholic School student dance groups performed the dances: “Привітання,” “Галки” and “Козачок.”
Musical performances included our Choir "Boyan" which sang "Отче наш" the opening song of the program. Next, the Choir "Boyan" Men's Chorale sang "Не той козак." Additional musical selections were performed by Anna Lawrence on guitar and Ксеня on violin, who together sang the following songs: “Ой Чорна Я Си Чорна,” “Маминих Очах,” “В саду гуляла,” “А Калина,” and “Червона Рута.”
A special musical guest was Остап Стахів, a professional singer and bandura player who performed the songs: “Взяв би я бандуру,” “Якди я дув полтавськит соцькит,” “Повіяь вітер степовий” and “Моліться люди.”
All of the dance and musical performers were warmly received by the appreciative crowd with much applause all through out the show.
Тижневик "Міст" / Weekly Meest :    Page 1 (PDF)   and    Page 2 (PDF)
Дивіться фотографії тут / See photos here:      part 1          part 2          part 3         part 4