Sunday, April 19 was a special day of thanks for the Assumption of the BVM Ukrainian Catholic Church in Perth Amboy, NJ as we celebrated the Liturgy honoring the 50th Anniversary of the ordination of our former Pastor Father Roman Dubitsky. The Principal Celebrant of the Liturgy was Fr. Roman and concelebrants were our current Pastor Fr. Ivan Turyk and homilist Very Rev. Andriy Rabiy, Protosyncellus of Philadelphia Archeparchy and Pastor of Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary Parish in Reading, PA. In addition to hundreds of parishioners from the Assumption Parish, the Liturgy was attended by many former parishioners of Fr. Roman from St. Stephen Church in Toms River, NJ and St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church, Wilmington Delaware. The reception and a concert following the Liturgy in the school hall was attended by three hundred fifty well-wishers who enjoyed a great program prepared by the school and parish kids and a variety of refreshments at the parish annual Easter Dinner-Sviachene. The capacity crowd in attendance for his Jubilee Liturgy and the hundreds of guests at the reception were witness to the love and admiration that the community has for Fr. Roman. Although Fr. Roman has accomplished so much over the years, he said that the spotlight shouldn’t be on him, “It’s a day for me to thank all of you for allowing me to answer the call to service to God and His Church on earth.” Among the letters and testimonials read in connection with that occasion was a very special greeting for Fr. Roman from His Grace Archbishop-Metropolitan Stefan Soroka of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia. Once again sincere thanks to all who helped organize this wonderful celebration for a very devoted priest and to share that Easter joy with one another!