Senior Citizens Christmas Party

At Assumption parish, we are blessed to have not only many seniors but also the Parish Senior Club. The members of the club gather once a month, on the first Thursday of the month at 12 noon in the parish hall. They enjoy each other’s company, share lunch and listen to Fr. Ivan or other speakers offering reflections on different topics. They also sponsor some parish events and organize trips to a casino. This past Thursday, December 13, the seniors citizen’s Christmas party was held at the Superior Diner in Perth Amboy, NJ. After a delicious lunch all in attendance received a poinsettia, a donation from Novak Funeral Home, a box of cookies and Fr. Ivan was given a Christmas tree skirt for the rectory tree. The seniors also donated $2,000 to the Church for ongoing parish programs. Thank you and may the Lord Almighty bless you all and especially the two driving forces of the organization, the President – Joan Zaleski and Treasurer – Eleanor Kataryniak.