Ladies’ Prayer Night with Our Blessed Mother.

A gathering of parish women, led by the members of St. Ann Society,  joined in prayer and fellowship as they honored the Blessed Mother of God at the 9th annual Women’s Evening of Prayer. A Moleben to the Holy Theotokos is celebrated each Tuesday in May at Assumption parish, but this week was special. Invitations were sent to neighboring parishes in anticipation of an even larger manifestation of love for the Queen of Heaven.

Parish Sisters Veronica, Svitanku, and Trijtsi who belong to the order of Sisters Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matera led the singing of the Moleben which was celebrated in both Ukrainian and English. The homily was delivered by the Reverend Archpriest Daniel Troyan, pastor of Holy Myrrh-Bearers Church in Swarthmore, PA. Father’s theme was Mary, Mother of Jesus – The Love story of God.

Refreshments and fellowship followed in the church hall. There was a heartfelt atmosphere of love and gratitude to the Lord for the gift of His Heavenly Mother who watches over us all.

Easter 2024

St. Paul wrote, “If Christ has not risen, our faith is in vain” (1 Cor. 15:14).
 But Christ has risen, and your presence my dear parishioners and guests at the Assumption Church was both affirms and celebrates that most amazing and enduring of all realities!
I want to thank all those who made the celebrations of Holy Week and Easter so prayerful and beautiful this year. I thank all of our volunteers who baked delicious paskas bread and who decorated the church, it looks so beautiful. I want to thank our liturgical ministers: our altar servers, cantors, ushers, a sound system person, our dedicated religious Sisters, Deacon Paul, Kenny and Holy Name Society men for offering their time for the Lord.  In a special way I want to thank students of Assumption School for beautifully praying a Good Friday Vespers service and our choir “ Boyan” under the direction of Alla Korostil who provided such beautiful liturgical responses for the Holy Week Services, Saturday Matins and the Easter Sunday liturgy. We are so blessed to have such dedicated people involved to make our celebrations so beautiful, inspiring and uplifting. A big thank you goes to Fr. Mykola Dziurakh,  a visiting priest from Philadelphia for offering confession and a service to our parish.
We were blessed to have many people come to Sunday Easter Liturgies at 9:00 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. The crowds this year were exceptional, almost a thousand of faithful participated at all Liturgies!
For those who simply were here at Easter time visiting with us, please know that you always have a spiritual home and that EVERY Sunday is a mini-Easter and should be celebrated as such. When  we celebrate the Sunday Eucharist, we are marking the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Service for Peace and Justice

This Thursday evening, hundreds of people attended a Prayer Service for Peace in Ukraine at the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Philadelphia that was  led by His Beatitude Sviatoslav and the bishops of the Permanent Synod. The American Ukrainian community in Perth Amboy, NJ has always been active, especially on appeals for peace and solidarity, support for the homeless, an emergency medical donation appeal and prayer for those suffering around the world. On this special day, many parishioners on their own and Assumption Catholic School students, teachers, parish sisters and administration traveled by bus to Philadelphia to pray for the end of war and to show support for people of Ukraine,  who are suffering after Russia’s invasion into Ukraine. For the past two-year, Assumption Catholic School have opened its doors to more than twenty Ukrainian refugee students as millions flee the war-torn country. The school is providing discounted tuition, language instruction and a sense of stability for the children.

Gift Auction Success

The ladies of St. Ann Society are grateful to all parishioners and friends  who attended the “Around the World” TrickyTray/ Gift Auction last Sunday. The event began with our honored guest, Most Reverend Bishop Venedykt of Chicago, who walked among workers and attendees while offering his blessing and distributing prayer cards. Parish support, beginning with Fr. Ivan and Sisters Veronica, Triijtsi, and Svitanku combined with the FSA and the Holy Name Society made for a very successful fundraiser. The young adult group who delivered the prizes and verified the winning tickets was a welcome  addition to the list of those who contributed to a wonderful afternoon. To all those who attended, donated prizes, or helped in any way, the ladies of St. Ann Society offer their heartfelt thanks.

Parish Youth – How it all began…

The church, varenyky, and history were the topic of our meeting with teenagers yesterday.
Father Ivan began with the story that our parish was built with varenyky, made and sold by our parishioners over 60 years ago.
And then our teenagers tried their hand at it, all dressed in vyshyvankas, working together to make beautifully crafted varenyky, even though many of them were born in America.
While the varenyky were cooking, everyone plunged into the ancient history of our Church: from the Apostle Andrew in Kyiv and the baptism of Ukraine-Rus’ right up to the present day and the Church of the Assumption in Perth Amboy. It was mentioned that the Church is a great gift for everyone and a great responsibility to preserve this gift.
After a meal of Ukrainian varenyky with sour cream, our meeting ended with a fun game.
May God protect our Ukraine and grant it peace!

Theophany Feast and Meat Festival

On the feast day of Theophany, following the Divine Liturgy, the Great Blessing of the water took place at Assumption Catholic Church in Perth Amboy, NJ. This year, the faithful celebrated this holy day outside the church and in front of the Cross that was carved from solid ice. Fr. Ivan dipped ceremonial candles, then his right hand, and then the cross into the frigid waters and called upon the power of the Holy Spirit to bless the water. Following the blessing of water, all the faithful were invited to the parish hall to enjoy the parish hospitality, a diecious wine and a yummy shish kebab prepared by the dedicated parishioners.  The area around the church smelled with the enticing smell of shish kebab and the event attracted many people from all over. At the luncheon, after all expenses, almost six thousand dollars were raised for the humanitarian aid and medical treatment of Ukrainians injured in the war. It was a great event of Our Lord’s Baptism Solidarity and a day of Prayers for Ukraine. At the conclusion of the celebration, all tired volunteers’ and faithful heard in their hearts the Lord’s voice, “You are my beloved sons and daughters, in you I am well pleased”.

400th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Saint Josaphat Kuncewycz

On Sunday, November 12, 2023, on the occasion of the commemoration of the  400th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Saint Josaphat Kuncewycz, the Assumption Catholic Church parishioners gathered in the parish hall for the homemade varenyky and borsch sponsored by the Ukrainian National Women’s League of America (Branch 135).  Funds were raised to provide moral and financial support for the wounded soldier Vasyl Kurylovych and to support military efforts in the ongoing war in Ukraine . Andriy Zhyvachivskyi, a historian from Ukraine, presented a very informative and moving presentation about the Crimean Peninsula, a territory annexed by Russian troops.

“Getting to know Jesus Christ is a great adventure”

“Getting to know Jesus Christ is a great adventure”, that was the topic of discussion with the youth of our parish this Sunday, following the Morning Liturgy. And after that, our own adventure began – a journey to our own New Jersey Saint, Blessed Miriam Teresa Demjanovich. She is a native of Bayonne, N.J. who died in 1927 and was declared Blessed in 2014.
We were warmly welcomed at the convent by the Sisters of Charity of St. Elizabeth, and we were all inspired by the example of the holy life of this blessed 26-year-old nun. Under the leadership of Father Ivan, Sisters Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matará, our group of the young adults prayed for the personal intentions, Ukraine, our country, and especially for the parishioners of  the Assumption church. On the way home, we stopped at the Starbucks for some coffee and sweets. We enjoyed this trip so much that we were already planning the next one on the way back. The adventures are just beginning!

«Пізнати Ісуса Христа»-це велика пригода. Цієї Неділі, такою була тема зустрічі і обговорення з старшою групою молоді нашої парафії. А після цього почалася і наша пригода – мандрівка до єдиної блаженної, проголошеною Католицькою Церквою у штаті Нью Джерсі, Сестри Марія Тереза Дем’янович. Нас радо прийняли Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth , і всі ми надихнулися прикладом святого життя 26-річної монахині. Під проводом отця Івана, наших сестер Воплоченого Слова, усі молилися за особисті намірення, Україну, і особливо за парафіян Успенської Церкви. По дорозі додому почастувати каву і тістечка у Старбаксі.  Усім так сподобалася ця духовно пізнавальна поїздка, що по дорозі назад вже планувалася наступна. Пригоди тільки починаються!

Youth is called to heroism.

«Молодість покликана до героїзму»- у цьому сьогодні впевнилися підлітки нашої парафії, слухаючи науку на черговій зустрічі. Дивлячись на багато прикладів героїв минулого і сучасності, зрозуміли, що героєм покликаний бути кожен  і кожного дня, живучи Заповідями Ісуса Христа. Доброзичливої атмосфери надало спільне приготування суш, активна участь у іграх та веселе спілкування. Чекаємо наступного разу!

“Youth is called to heroism” – this is what the teenagers of our parish realized while listening to the talk at today’s gathering. Looking at many examples of heroes of the past and present, they realized that everyone is called to be a hero by following and living the Commandments of Jesus Christ. The friendly atmosphere was even increased by the joint preparation of sushi, active participation in games and cheerful communication. We are looking forward for the next time!