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Festival of Ukrainian Christmas Carols
The Annual Festival of Christmas Carols was held on Sunday, January 14, 2018 at the Ukrainian Cathedral of Immaculate Conception in Philadelphia, PA. Our fine parish choir “ Boyan” under the direction of Mrs. Alla Korostil did the great job of caroling and glorifying Christ’s birth. Thank you to all members of our choir who participated!
Christmas Eve Holy Supper
On Christmas Eve, January 6th, 2018 the Assumption parish in Perth Amboy, NJ has sponsored a traditional Holy Supper (Sviaty Vechir ) for all parishioners and guests. Many tasty lenten dishes were prepared and shared. Filled with the spirit of the carols and poetry, more than one hundred people truly enjoyed a traditional Christmas foods in anticipation of Christ’s birth.
Holy Name Society Officers Installation 2018
The Holy Name Society (HNS) had its solemn installation of officers on Saturday, January 13, 2018 after the 5:00 p.m. Divine Liturgy. Afterwards, the HNS had its Christmas party at the Barge Restaurant. The HNS does many good works for the parish while enriching the spiritual side of its members. Congratulations and best wishes to the newly elected officers of our parish Holy Name of Jesus Society. If you would like to join the Holy Name Society, speak to our new President Mr. Ronald Maschenik or call Fr. Ivan at 732-827-0767 or just come to the next meeting at 8:00 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month.
Christmas Concert at Assumption Parish
Thanks to the parish youth group “Svitanok” for presenting a beautiful selection of carols, to our younger children for putting together Vertep ( Christmas Play) and to our famous parish choir “Boyan” for singing popular Christmas carols. It was an outstanding teamwork effort and a successful parish event. I would like to thank all those who gave their time and talents to make that afternoon possible, especially Mrs. Iryna Borsa and Mrs. Olga Lytvyn for preparing children’s program, parents of children for bringing them to rehearsals, Mrs. Alla Korostil for leading the choir “Boyan”, the choir members for sharing their talents and voices in the Christmas Joy. May God bless each and every one of you this year and forever.
Senior Citizens Festive Joy
At Assumption parish, we are blessed to have not only many seniors but are also the Parish Senior Club. The members of the club gather once a month, on the first Thursday of the month at 12 noon in the parish hall. They enjoy each other’s company, share lunch and listen to a speaker on topics of interest. They also sponsor parish events and organize trips to casino. This Thursday, December 14 the seniors citizen’s Christmas party was held at REO Diner in Woodbridge, NJ at which our seniors presented Fr. Ivan with a gift of $2000 to the parish for Christmas. Thank you and may the Lord Almighty bless you and grant you happiness and good health.
Buffet Breakfast in Perth Amboy, NJ
This Sunday, November 5 the ambitious men of the Assumption BVM Catholic Church – Holy Name Society prepared a buffet breakfast for all our parishioners and guests that included fresh fruit, pancakes, waffles, scrambled eggs, home fries, bacon, sausage, and the Boyko family recipe soufflé. If that was not enough, one could order an omelet made to your liking. Fresh rolls and baked goods were there for the taking, if you still had room. On this busy autumn morning, one-hundred-fifty participants were cooked for and served by dedicated Holy Name men. The profit from this breakfast will fund their next big event – a Saint Nicholas celebration for parish children and their parents on Sunday, December 10th.
Calendar Dinner Dance
Over two hundred fifty parishioners and guests attended parish dance on Saturday October 21 and all seemed to have lots of fun. The hall, the food, the music, the games, and most importantly the company were all superb!. The event would not have been such a success without the tremendous efforts of the Society of St. Ann’s members who sponsored the Dance and the many volunteers, family and friends that lent a helping hand. All in all it was another fun filled and friendly dinner and dance.
Blessing Of The Backpacks
As summer comes to a close and the school year begins, the Blessing of the Backpacks was held at Assumption Church in Perth Amboy, NJ. All of God’s children, young and old, were encouraged to bring their backpacks to church to be blessed for educational success for the coming school year. More than twenty children from kindergarten through high school participated. In addition to the blessing, Fr. Ivan offered children’s homily and each child received a holy card of the guardian angel.