On Sunday, February 7, 2016 after the 11:30 p.m. Liturgy, a new banner for our parish St. Ann Society was blessed. The banner was purchased at Byzantine Church Supplies in Philadelphia, and will be used for processions, both inside and outside of the church building. St. Ann’s Society (founded in 1944) – is a women’s society that runs or aids parish activities, donates tremendously to parish causes, and promotes friendship. If you wish to join, call the rectory to get in touch with the organization president or pastor.
Forgiveness Vespers.
On Sunday, February 7, 2016 parishioners from St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church in Passaic, New Jersey gathered together along with clergy to take part in the solemn service of Forgiveness Vesper. The main celebrant and preacher for the evening service was Rev. Ivan Turyk. Con-celebrants were Rev. Andriy Dudkevych and Rev. Ruslan Romanyuk.
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Christmas Concert at Assumption Parish.
Thank you to everyone who made our parish Christmas concert a huge success on Sunday, January 10th, 2016! Thanks to the parish children for presenting a Christmas play and to the choir “Boyan” for singing Christmas carols. It was an outstanding teamwork effort and a successful parish event.
Festival of Christmas Carols in Philadelphia
10th Annual Festival of Christmas Carols at the Ukrainian Cathedral of Immaculate Conception was held on Sunday, January 10, 2016. Our fine parish choir “Boyan” under the direction of Mrs. Alla Korostil had done their usual great job caroling and glorifying Christ’s birth.
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The New Year’s Eve Dance-Zabava in Perth Amboy, NJ was once again a successful event enjoyed by all who attended. More than 200 people welcomed the New Year with family and friends in our parish hall. The festive ambiance, the beautiful hall decor, and the aroma of superb food and deserts delighted the attendees who were eager to welcome the year with song and dance. Everyone danced the night away (and early morning) to the sounds of “ Anna Maria Entertainment”. This memorable New Year’s Eve Dance was a huge success due to the hard work of many wonderful helpers from our parish. For MORE PICTURES PLEASE GO INTO THE GALLERY https://assumptioncatholicchurch.net/azcms/gallery.php
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Від Миколая до Йордан
Різдвяно Новорічний Концерт вокально – інструментального ансамлю «Ватра» відбувся у шкільній аудиторії церкви Успіння Богородиці у Перт Амбой, Штат Нью-Джерсі. Українські пісні та колядки це найсильніша зброя . У цьому переконалися гості та парафіяни які у Суботу завітали на концерт, котрий складався із пісень нашого дитинства написаних композитором Ігором Білозір та різдвяних колядок. Цей чудовий концерт став підтвердженням того, що сьогодні в ці тривожні дні для нашого народу, кожному українцю потрібна душевна пісня. Вона єднає, гуртує нас, вселяє віру в майбутнє. У цей вечір зал і сцена були єдині-разом а кожна пісня колективу «Ватра» торкалася серця, душі кожного глядача. Дякуємо вам. Якщо побачите у своїй церкві афішу колективу – обов’язково підіть на концерт, не пошкодуєте!
Senior Citizens Club
A Christmas party was held at REO Diner in Woodbridge, NJ on Thursday, December 10 at 12 PM at which our Seniors Organization presented Fr. Ivan with a gift of $1000 to our parish for Christmas. Thank you and may the Lord Almighty bless you and grant you happiness and good health. Officers for 2016: President – Joan Zaleski, Vice-President – Peggy Liberti, Secretary – Dolly Karol, Treasurer – Eleanor Kataryniak.
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Children Welcome St. Nicholas.
On Sunday December 6, 2015 following the 9:00 AM and the 11:30 AM Liturgy, St. Nicholas made his annual visit to the children of the Assumption Parish in Perth Amboy, NJ. The event was held at the church hall, which was filled 82 excited youngsters with their families and friends. The visit started with children welcoming St. Nicholas by singing the traditional St. Nicholas Song, “O kto, kto Nikolaja l’ubit”. Before distributing his gifts, St. Nicholas encouraged all the children to be good, to obey their parents, to remember to say their prayers and to come to church on Sundays. We thank St. Nicholas for taking time out of his busy schedule to visit the children.
Peace Light
Peace Light from Bethlehem was brought to Assumption Church in Perth Amboy, NJ on Saturday, December 5th, 2015 by the “Plastuny” and “Sumivtsi” (Ukrainian Scouts). After the Liturgy a short explanation about the history of the flame was given by Plastunka Larissa Wowk. In her presentation she mentioned that the flame was lit earlier this month from oil lamps in Bethlehem at the Grotto of the Nativity, the place where tradition holds that Jesus was born and where oil lamps are said to have been kept burning continuously for over 1,000 years. We are asking all parishioners and guests to come over to our church and bring with them fuel or candle lanterns, so you can safely take the Light to your homes. Our sincere thanks to Larissa and Andy Wowk and Roman Wernyj for their initiative.
Generations Of Faith Program honors Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky
On Sunday, November 29, 2015 the memory of the Venerable of God, Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, was honored at the seventh “Generations of Faith,” religious education program sponsored by Assumption Parish in Perth Amboy, NJ. Over 100 parishioners and guests of all ages gathered in the church hall to learn about “Heroic Virtues" of the Venerable Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky. The day was filled with interest, food, great enthusiasm and good fellowship. During the presentation our parishioners learned that Assumption parish has a very rich past and one of the most memorable events was a visit by Metropolitan Andrey to our parish in December, 1921. He inspired the early parish community to persevere in its mission to establish a strong spiritual community of Ukrainian Catholics in Perth Amboy. After his visit numerous organizations were founded and plans for the parish school were set for the future. Our parishioners Mrs. Melanie Fedynyshyn, President of St. Ann’s Society, and Mrs. Olha Lytvyn, a recent parishioner and a graduate student of the Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv, prepared and delivered an outstanding presentation on one of the great lions of the 20th century – Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky. Oleksiy Lytvyn’s slideshow on the life of Metropiltan Andrey was also a great addition to the lively and memorable presentation.. Thank you to speakers and all volunteers for giving your time, talents and passions to this important task of educating us about the Metropolitan’s wisdom, courage, and holiness. At the conclusion of the program, a prayer was offered by everyone for the successful completion of the beatification process for Venerable of God, Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky.
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