Prosphora, Holy Supper Dinner

On Friday evening January 6, 2012 the Prosphora ( Holy Supper Diner )  was held at the Assumption Parish.  the Holy Supper Diner  is a traditional lenten meal on the Eve of the Nativity of Our Lord (Christmas Eve). Since Christmas is preceded by forty days of fasting, the Holy Supper is the last meal of the fast. The twelve fasting foods usually served are: barley, honey, stewed prunes, pyrohy, sauerkraut, potatoes, lima beans, garlic, lenten bread, mushroom soup and salt. The delicious traditional Ukrainian Christmas Eve dinner prepared by our parishioners was enjoyed by  seventy parishioners and guests.


Epiphany – Blessing of the Holy Water

The Feast of Epiphany is a liturgical event that is celebrated every year on January 6th. Over the course of 2000 years, it has evolved to commemorate one of the most significant events in Christendom – the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist in the river Jordan. During Epiphany, people traditionally attend a prayer service where the priest blesses regular water into holy water – a “Blessing of the Water” ceremony. On Friday, January 6th, 2012, the staff and students of ACS celebrated Epiphany with a prayer service after their weekly Liturgy.  The service was conducted by the school administrator and pastor of the Assumption Church, Fr. Ivan Turyk. After the blessing of the water ceremony, Fr. Ivan  walked around the school with a small group of students and blessed each room with a sprinkle of the newly blessed holy water.

New Year’s Zabava 2011

The annual New Year’s Dance Zabava was held on Saturday December 31st, 2011 at the School Auditorium of the Assumption Ukrainian Catholic Church in Perth Amboy, NJ. The event was a great success with 328 people in attendance, great music courtesy of Halyshany and a delicious food prepared by the Zabava committee members. Thanks to everyone who made Zabava 2011 a great success! Our Parish had a great time organizing it and it looked like everyone had a great time being there! Special thanks to Mrs. Maria Derevenska and her kitchen helpers for preparing the fantastic food! Keep your calendar open for Zabava 2012 and remember that on February 11, 2012 our parish will hold the Valentine Dinner Dance. SEE MORE PICTURES IN THE IMAGE CALLERY.

Christmas Thank You

It was a wonderful Christmas season. We had crowds like we haven’t seen before and it was great. Thank you to al who assisted in making the Christmas Liturgies so beautiful and memorable. In particular, i want to thank the our choir, collectors, cantors and altar boys who assisted me during Liturgies. My prayers for you are that you and your family experience the grace and mercy of Almighty God during this next year. Furthermore, I hope and pray that God will prosper you both spiritually and financially. May the God of all creation hold you tight in His loving arms, and His Son inspire your heart, and the Holy Spirit lead, guide and direct you and your family as you serve the Assumption Church.

Installation of St. Anne’s Society Officers

St. Anne's Society began the new 2012 with the new officers that were installed a couple weeks before Christmas. After the Liturgy, Fr. Ivan installed Mrs. Melanie Lawrence as a New President and thanked the retiring officers for their time and dedication to the society. Our parish extends our congratulations to the new officers and pledge them our support.

Senior Christmas Party

A Christmas party was held Tuesday December 6, 2011 in church hall by the Ukrainian Assumption Seniors. Good food, singing of carols and fun was had by all. Our home bound members were also not forgotten. Father Ivan thanked the members for there support of the Generation Of Faith Program that was held in November. Officers for 2012 are as follows President Joan Zaleski, Vice President Frances Stek, Secretary Barbara Grausam and Treasurer Eleanor Katarynaik. The Ukrainian Assumptions Seniors would like to wish all parishioners a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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We Are All One In Christ!

The administration and faculty of Assumption Catholic School in Perth Amboy, NJ gathered together on Wednesday, December 7, 2011 for a religious education seminar, presented by the Rev. Archpriest Daniel Troyan, Director of the Office of Evangelization for the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia. Father Ivan Turyk, pastor of Ukrainian Assumption Catholic Church, arranged for the first half of the presentation to take place in the Church.  He warmly greeted everyone and introduced the day’s topic:  “The Western and Eastern Rites, Different – Yet the Same, Two Traditions, But One Catholic Church.”

Fr. Dan began his talk by explaining the how the physical design, artistic arrangements, and all other elements of the Byzantine church have a purpose and profound meaning, specifically aimed at raising one’s heart and mind to the Lord God Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. His talk was highly informative and covered many areas including wonderful explanations about the different Diving Liturgies we celebrate throughout the year, the emphasis placed on Mary as the Most Pure Mother of God, the significance of the royal doors, the order of the icons on the iconostas, the sanctuary as the “Holy of Holies,” and the Divine Reception of the Sacraments or Holy Mysteries.  The participants were especially intrigued by the beauty of Matrimony in the Byzantine Rite, with its betrothal ceremony, exchange of vows, crowning, and dance of Isaiah. 

Fr. Dan also brought to light the basic differences and similarities between the Latin and the Byzantine Rites, emphasizing how both belong to the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church, yet witness to and express their shared faith in distinct ways.  The historical fact that Catholicism originated in Jerusalem, was founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ, and now has a multitude of particular churches throughout the world, is a glorious testimony of the embodiment of the fullness of the one Catholic Church.

Everyone came away with an increased knowledge of our church roots and how various devotional practices were adapted over the centuries by the faithful. As one teacher stated: “Today’s presentation was a wonderful, down to earth explanation, of the “one-ness” of our Catholicism and the uniqueness of our Ukrainian Catholic traditions.”  Also in attendance, as a special guest, was Ms. Irene Sena, Assistant Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese of Metuchen, who expressed her deep gratitude to our principal, Mr. Szpyhulsky, for his invitation to such an enlightening and uplifting conference.

St. Nicholas Visit

On Sunday December 4th, St. Nicholas made his annual visit to the children of the Assumption Parish. The event was held at the School Hall, which was filled 67 excited youngsters with their families and friends. Prior to the St. Nicholas arrival, the children  and the parishioners enjoyed the free breakfast prepared by the Holy Name Society.  The  youngest members of the parish “Veselka”  dancing group  greeted him with charming dances. Before distributing his gifts, St. Nicholas encouraged all the children to be good, to obey their parents, to remember to say their prayers and to come to church on Sundays.