Easter Message from the Pastor

Dear Parishioners and Visitors,
Christ Is Risen!  Indeed He Is Risen!

This will be our acclamation of faith for the next 50 days. These words must be proclaimed with conviction! They speak of the power of God's love, a power that can bring forth new life for all those who are willing to enter into the mystery of Jesus' passion and death. The greatest thing about Easter is not a day, or a season, or all of time. It is Life. It is the particular life that comes to all who are baptized “in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
Christ is risen today, and He is risen among us. Now, what significance does the Resurrection of Christ have for us today? It tells us that we have a living, reigning Lord. The Resurrection tells us that death has been vanquished.  The Resurrection tells us that we, along with all those whom we have buried in the good earth, shall one day arise even as Jesus did. "Because I live," Christ said, "you shall live also." The Lord is reigning in His Kingdom now, preparing a place for us, so that we might one day be where He is. The Resurrection puts the seal of Divine approval on all that Christ said and did. What He claimed is true. This shows now that He is "the Christ, the Son of the Living God."

On behalf of myself, Deacon Paul, Missionary Sisters of Mother of God, and the staff, I want to wish you all a very Happy Easter!   I would like to especially welcome all of our visitors to our parish this Easter Sunday. If you are new to the neighborhood, we would like to invite you to join our parish. For those who may have been away from the Church for a while, we welcome you back — your presence has been missed. If there is a way that one of us can be of assistance to you, please let us know. I would also like to offer a word of thanks to the  parish volunteers who worked behind the scenes to make our Holy Week and  Easter Liturgies so prayerful and our church decorations so beautiful.

Fr. Ivan Turyk,  Pastor…

Easter Egg Hunt a Success!

Assumption  Parish held it's annual Easter Egg Hunt on Palm Sunday, March 17, 2011. Some 40 children from the church joined in to find a reported 350 eggs. It was a blast! The children had a great time hunting for eggs filled with goodies such as coins and candies. From the looks of things, everyone had a great time, and not just the kids either, the parents and grandparents and families had fun just watching. Many thanks go the members of the parish Holy Name Society for sponsoring the event.

Senior Meeting

Mr. Anton Massopust II historian for the city of Perth Amboy, NJ lectured about historic buildings in Perth Amboy at the April Senior Citizens meeting. The building included City Hall, St. Peter’s Church, Kearny Cottage and Propriety House. His tall was very interesting and informative. The officers for 2011 were installed by Fr. Ivan. They are as follows:  Joan Zaleski – President, Frances Stek –  Vise President,, Barbara Grausem – Secretary and Eleonor Kataryniak – Treasurer.

A special celebration was held at the meeting. Charles and Frances Stek, members of the organization,  were honored on the joyful occasion of their 65th Wedding Anniversary. May God grant them many happy years.

St. Ann’s Trip to New York

A full bus, including 17 members of St. Ann Society, were accompanied by family and friends on their annual theater outing on Saturday, April 9. This year's show was Wonderland, a brand new addition to Broadway that takes a contemporary twist on Alice's adventures, Through the Looking Glass. After the show, the group enjoyed each other's company during dinner at Sardi's. Besides St. Ann's Annual Gift Auction and Calendar Dinner, which are chiefly fund-raising activities, members use the annual trip to socialize and foster friendships among women of the parish. The addition of family and friends serves to enrich the opportunity for fellowship…

Lenten Dinner Buffet

Assumption  families joined together for Lenten Dinner last Sunday in the school hall.  The menu included tossed salad, borscht, pyrohy, potato pancakes, macaroni and cheese, fish, cabbage and noodles, dessert and coffee or tea.  Thanks go to all who attended, who worked hard and made the event  a huge success! Our special thanks to the Holy Name Society members  for their hard work.

The purpose of the Holy Name Society is to promote spiritual welfare to the men of the parish and perform work requested.  All men of the parish, 18 years of age or have graduated from high school are eligible for membership.  They meet in the Parish Hall 7:30pm on the second Tuesday of each month.  The meeting last about an hour and is followed by a social period. If you are interested in joining the organization, please call the  President Charlie Boyko  at 732-254-3966 or Fr. Ivan

Baptism Class for the 8th Grade

Pastors are incredibly busy people. Still, Fr. Ivan always finds time to be with his students at the Assumption School.  On Thursday, he took the 8th grade class and their teacher Mrs. Pickering to the church and gave them a lesson on the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation.  The students had a wonderful opportunity to learn more about what it means to be a Christian and how God enriched  their lives through the Baptism and Confirmation. They also learned that in the waters of Baptism we became children of God and inheritors of eternal life. By water and the Holy Spirit we are made members of the church and ambassadors for Christ.

The New Head of Our Church was elected by the Synod of Bishops

Bishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk, till now the apostolic administrator of the Diocese of the Protection of the Blessed Mary in Buenos Aires, has become the new head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. The Election Synod of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, which was attended by 40 bishops from Ukraine and abroad (Western Europe, USA, Canada, Brazil, Argentina and Australia), elected him on March 23.  Bishop Svyatoslav (Shevchuk) is the third-youngest of the world's 5,207 Catholic bishops. The Holy See approved the choice of the Synod of Bishops.  Bishop Sviatoslav  was born on May 5th 1970  in the city of Stryj, Western Ukraine. In 2002 he  completed his doctorate in moral theology at the Angelicum University, Rome.  From 2002-2005 he worked as a head of the Secretariat and private Secretary to his beatitude Lubomir Husar, head of the patriarchal Curia in L'viv. Then from June 2007 he was a rector of the Holy Spirit Seminary in Rydno, Ukraine.  Bishop Sviatoslav was ordained as bishop on April 7, 2009, in Lviv On 10 April 2010, Pope Benedict XVI appointed Bishop Sviatoslav  Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of the Protection of the Blessed Mary in Buenos Aires.( Argentina). The Inauguration of the new head of UGCC will be held on March 27 at 10 a.m. in the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection in Kiev
Axios and May God Grant You Many Vladyko !
Главою УГКЦ  обрано Єпископа Святослава Шевчука.

Єпископ Святослав народився 5 травня 1970 року у місті Стрию на Львівщині, а священником став 21 травня 1994 року. Навчався у Папському Університеті св. Томи Аквінського (Рим, Італія).  Де здобув ступінь доктора Богослов’я. З 2002–2005 працював главою секретаріату і особистим секретарем Блаженнійшого Любомира (Гузара), керівником Патріаршої курії у Львові. З Червня 2007 – ректор Львівської духовної семінарії Святого Духа. 14 Січня 2009 року Святіший Отець Венедикт XVI поблагословив рішення Синоду єпископів про призначення отця Святослава Шевчука єпископом-помічником єпархії Покрова Пресвятої Богородиці в Буенос-Айресі (Аргентина).Єпископську хіротонію Владика Святослав прийняв 7 квітня 2009 року у Львові з рук Глави УГКЦ Блаженнішого Любомира. Інтронізація нового глави УГКЦ відбудеться 27 березня о 10.00 у Патріаршому cоборі Воскресіння Христового у Києві.
Найвідповідальніше служіння в УГКЦ випало нести наймолодшому. Ну що ж, хай Бог допомагає а ми Вірні Вітаємо нововибраного Отця і Главу, Блаженнішого Святослава!!! На многая Літа!…

St. Ann’s Gift Auction

I want to express my most sincere appreciation and gratitude to all the women from St. Ann’s Society for running a successful Gift Auction on Sunday, March 6th, 2011. This fundraiser, held annually during the spring in the  school auditorium  and cafeteria, provides a great prizes for everyone. There are plenty of great items to bid on including basket donation, and there is plenty of delicious food and desserts. Thanks to all parishioners and friends for their participation as sponsors, auctioneers, volunteers, donors, solicitors, auction goers, high bidders, and committee members. Everyone seems to agree that it was a big success. The dedication you all show is inspiring. Thanks also to everyone who came out and supported this year’s Auction. It is a very important fundraiser for the parish and at the same time a tremendously fun event. I hope you enjoyed it; I certainly did, after wining 3 amazing prizes. Fr. Ivan