Taras Shevchenko Concert in Perth Amboy, NJ

Concert honoring Taras H. Shevchenko took place at Assumption Parish  on Sunday, March 13, 2011. It was a real celebration of Ukrainian poetry and music.
Remarks about Taras Shevchenko
The year was 1814.  It was almost 40 years since the destruction of the Zaporozhian Sich.  Ukrainian lands were occupied by foreign powers – Russians, Poles, and Hapsburgs.  The Ukrainian people toiled in serfdom.  Ukrainian language, culture, and traditions were denigrated and suppressed.  The prospects of an independent Ukrainian nation were virtually nonexistent.
There was no vibrant Ukrainian nationalist movement.  There was no Ukrainian voice.
Into this bleak situation in 1814 was born a meager soul of no account – no money, no social privilege.  Yet, this soul, born into oppressive serfdom is the man that will give Ukrainian aspirations not only a heart and a soul, but also a magnificent eloquent voice.  That man is Taras Shevchenko
He writes in his native language – Ukrainian and only Ukrainian.  His writing educates and inspires an enslaved people.  His words are profoundly articulate and emotionally moving.  They speak of Ukrainian history and Ukrainian dreams.  The richness and depth of his writing elevates the Ukrainian language to the level of world-class literature.
Shevchenko’s writing can be melancholy and heartbreaking when he observes the betrayal of the Ukrainian intelligentsia or the anguish of his own experiences.
However, they become proud and passionate when he speaks of the glory of the Cossacks or of his pride in his Ukrainian heritage.  In either case then are always passionate.

Taras Shevchenko was well respected by many people around the world.
American President John F. Kennedy on  March 25, 1961 paid tribute to Shevchenko by saynh:
“I am pleased to add my voice to those honoring the great Ukrainian poe Taras Shevchenko We honor him for his rich contributions to the culture not only of Ukraine, which he loved so well and described so eloquently, but also of the world. His work is a noble part of our historical heritage.”
The great English novelist and humanist Charles Dickens, admired and respected Shevchenko, and was grieved to hear of Shevchenko’s death. Shevchenko’s obituary in London included Dicken’s comments on the passing of his respected contemporary.
It is written that Shevchenko’s casket being carried to Kiev, from St. Petersburg, in an oxen drawn carriage, attracted memorial services and valedictories from many throngs of people along the way. Only in Kiev, all orations were forbidden. However, one gesture of a woman surpassed all eulogies when she placed a wreath of thorns on his casket.
The Ukrainian soul is deeper than wearing embroidered shirts, dancing, and singing Ukrainian folk songs. The Ukrainian soul as Shevchenko saw it, consists of liberty, equality, fraternity, and the Ukrainian soul reaches to God with an endearing faith and with humility, with respect for, and fear of God, with respect for humankind and the looking out for one’s neighbor, without expectation of anything in return.
Let us always remember Shevchenko for the courage and wisdom that his life exemplifies.  He was a God fearing man who was proud of who he was and where he came from.  Today we salute his memory as a champion of Ukrainian nationalism as well as Ukraine’s history, culture, and heritage.

Holy Thursday Service

Pontifical Liturgy with Vesper, Chrism Blessing and Washing of Feet of 12 Priests,Thursday, April 21, 2011  at 10:00 a.m.

Archbishop-Metropolitan Stefan Soroka will be a principal celebrant at the Liturgy. This solemn ceremony is the commemoration of Jesus washing the feet of his 12 disciples, just before his betrayal and crucifixion. The congregation is not only intended to be an active witness, but also to relive that memorable experience. Archbishop Stefan will wash the feet of 12 priests, in imitation of Christ and the 12 Apostles. The myrrh (chrism) will be consecrated on this day, made from olive oil (for mercy), wine (for Christ's Blood), and many kinds of herbs for the manifold gifts of the Holy Spirit).  This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to see the service that in the past was done only at the cathedral in Philadelphia. All are invited.

Архиєпископ Стефан Сорока, Митрополит  для Українців-Католиків в Америці приїзджає до нашої парафії  на Богослужіння у  Страсний Четвер
Архиєрейська Літургія з Вечірнею, Благословення Мира і Чин миття ніг 12 священикам, Четвер,  21-го квітня, в 10:00 рано.

Це Богослуження нагадує нам Тайну Вечерю, де Ісус Христос омив ноги дванадцятьом апостолам перед муками і смертю на Хресті. Архиєпископ Стефан буде омивати ноги дванадцятьом священикам, імітуючи Христа і 12-ть апостолів. В цей день освячується Миро, приготовлене з оливкової олії ( символ милосердя ) і вина ( символ Крові Хрестової ), а також з різних видів пахучих трав і олійок в знак Дарів Св. Духа.

Bingo Workers Appreciation Dinner

On Saturday Feb 26, 2011 all bingo workers were invited by Fr. Ivan to attend the dinner at the local restaurant. This was his way of saying “thank you” to all volunteers who support this important fundraiser. Bingo is every Wednesday and Friday night at 7:30 p.m. Bring the family and enjoy a fun evening together. Thank you to our Bingo Workers for their dedication.


Concert honoring Taras Shevchenko
Sunday, March 13th, 2011 after 8:45 a.m. Liturgy

В історії українського народу час-до-часу народжуються великі мужі нації, які підносяться понад усіх інших людей і показують нам правдивий шлях, яким ми повинні йти до остаточної мети – Закріплення Державности України. До цих мужів Великої Ідеї наша історія записала постать Тараса Григоровича Шевченка. Шевченко любив свій народ понад усе, боровся за його кращу долю, жертвував своїм життям, мужньо захищав людську гідність і національну долю українського народу. З метою вшанування Кобзаря Українського народу, наша парафія організовує творчий концерт у Неділю, 13 Березня після першої ранкової Літургії у церковній залі. УВАГА- ранкова літургія у Неділю, 13 Березня розпочнеться о 8:45 зранку замісь 9:00. У програмі буде виступату наш хор «Боян» а також будуть озвучені популярні вірші поета.  Щорічне святкування пам’яті Поета повинно бути для нас не тільки моментом найвищого духовного згуртування, але й іспит нашої совісти: чи ж ми дійсно йдемо тим шляхом, що Тарас нам його вказав.Дороговказ Шевченка вічно нам нагадує, щоб ми: мирилися поміж собою, молилися.…

Valentine Dance Zabava

Our Annual St. Valentine's Dance was held on February 12th and our Zabava committee outdid themselves again. A SMASH SUCCESS! Very positive feedback from those in attendance. Great food, beautiful decoration, band and excellent company made for a very pleasant dinner dance.  We’d like to thank all who came and supported the event, as well as all who helped and volunteered before, during and after the event. The event was a success because of you!

View photo gallery here !…



Pope John Paul II identified three kinds of evangelical activity: first, to those who have not heard the word; second, the ongoing formation in the faith of those who are present in our Christian communities, and thirdly, the evangelization of those who, though baptized, have lost the living sense of faith. In an effort to embrace all three levels, our spiritual leader, Stefan Soroka, has initiated a program for our diocese called “Generations of Faith for Byzantine Churches” (which will be referred to as GOF). This is an intergenerational event-centered approach to faith formation for the whole parish. The goal of the program is to bring people of all ages in the parish together to learn and participate in all aspects of their faith together through: Divine Liturgy, Church Year Feasts and Seasons Mysteries Morality, Social Justice. In our parish Fr. Ivan have scheduled to run the program on the 4th Sunday of the  Lent, April 3rd, 2011. On that Sunday there will be only one Liturgy at 10:00 a.m.  and after the Liturgy all parishioners are welcomed to go to the school auditorium for the meal, service, presentation by 2 speakers from  our parish  and discussion. The topic of presentation and discussion will be – The Season of Great Lent. On Sunday, Feb. 19 the planning committee will have the meeting  after 5:00 p.m. Liturgy.
In 4 weeks we will begin the season of The Great Fast (Lent) for 2011. Please follow our weekly bulletin for the schedule of services. With the Great Lent approaching, please remember about the services of Sorokousty in our church,  that will be celebrated every Saturday at 9:00 a.m. The first Sorokousty Services will be on Saturday, March 19.  Panachyda will be celebrated after the Liturgy,  at which time the names of families, requesting such, will be mentioned. If you wish to have your deceased family members remembered during this Lenten season, please use your Sorokousty envelope and place it in the collection basket.
We would like to send a group from our parish this year on Saturday, March 26, 2011. Please think about attending. Speakers: Dr. Zenia Chernyk, Christine Hayda, and Lada Pastushak. The flyer is posted on the board and the sign up form is available in the church’s vestibule.  This presentation will reflect on how God is present in the seasons of a Women’s Life.  The speakers will stress the three season’s in a woman’s life – Spring, Summer and Fall. The day has been fashioned to include one hour presentation from each of the presenters, followed by group work and feed-back. The day will end with aligning the tree seasons of a woman’s life and a prayer ritual indicative of the winter season and resurrection.
On Sunday March 13, 2011 the Sister of St. Basil The Great will present a Lenten Afternoon of Reflection at the Basilian Spiritual Center, 7710 Fox Chase Road, Fox Chase Manor, PA from 2:00-5-oo PM. Presenter is Archpriest Daniel Troyan. The Topic: “Be Still and Know that I am God.” A celebration of the Priceless Human Soul. A day of meditation, forgiveness and healing based upon the Prayer of St. Ephraim: Donation is $25 and registration must be made by March 7, 2011. Forms for registration can be obtained if you are interested.
ICON RETREAT:: Christ in Gethsemane
An Icon Retreat led by iconographer Peter Pearson,  will be held at Holy Dormition Friary, Sybertsville on March 3rd-6th. Retreatants will paint an icon of Christ at prayer in the Garden and learn about the spirituality and prayer life that supports iconography. Cost is $200.00 and includes supplies and written materials, lunch Saturday. For additional fee, other meals or a limited number of rooms are available for those who would like to stay overnight. For more information or registration contact Fr. Jerome at (570) 788-1212 ext. 402 or email at holydormition@gmail.com.…

Welcome to the Catholic Schools Week

Assumption Catholic School Open House

Assumption Catholic School in Perth Amboy will host an Open House on Sunday, February 6, from 1pm to 4 pm as part of its Catholic Schools Week celebrations.  The school, located at the corner of Meredith and Jacques Streets, serves students ranging from PreK (4 year old) and Kindergarten to the eighth grade.  Light refreshments, school tours, and a Power Point presentation will be available for prospective parents and students during the Open House.

Middle States Association accredited since 1996, Assumption Catholic provides a small school atmosphere with big school goals.  Students are afforded a progressive academic program enriched by many extra-curricular activities. Before Care and After Care is available. 

Varied activities are planned for Catholic Schools Week.  School-wide activities include Liturgy on Monday, a Carnival on Tuesday, a Pep rally on Wednesday, Faculty vs. Eighth grade Volleyball on Thursday, and a Talent Show on Friday.  Grades 6,7, and 8 will hold a Battle of the Classes, Grades 4 and 5 will be involved in a Scavenger Hunt and a Multiplication Bee, Grades 2 and 3 will be treated to a Movie and Popcorn, while Grades K and 1 will enjoy guest story readers.  Grade 3 will be involved in an Academic Olympics all week.  The Family/School Assn. will provide a special lunch for all students on Wednesday.  The Faculty will host a Pasta Dinner on Thursday, February 3, from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. All are invited.  Tickets at the door are $10 and $5 for children. 

Please contact 732 826-8721 or acsschooloffice@gmail.com for more information about the school, registration, or any of the events.  Visit our website at assumptioncatholicschool.net.

Parish History Book Available

The parish history books have been delivered.  Pre-ordered books can be picked up during regular office hours.  Check the bulletin for updates on book pick-up date(s) and times.

The book is beautiful and is a testament to 100 years of Ukrainians in Perth Amboy.  The book is specially designed to be enjoyed on several levels: visual, historical, sentimental, and informational. It is 394 pages with nearly 900 pictures.  It's full color with no ads.

There is a limited quantity of extra books for sale.  Call the rectory at 732-826-0767 to reserve an extra book(s).  You may also purchase additional copies on the pick-up date(s).  However, extra books will be allotted on a first-come, first-served basis. Bring $75 per book in cash or check for each extra book.
The parish extends special thanks to our Jubilee book General Chairman and Editor-in-Chief, John T. Mosko, and the Photography and Imagery Editor, Charles P. Patulak, for their enormous time and dedication in completing the history book.  We sincerely thank the Jubilee Book Committee members and the many parishioners and friends of the parish who contributed to this wonderful achievement.  May God bless all of you.…

CNN specials on Ukraine

CNN's global series i-List takes you to a different country each month. In January, CNN will visit Ukraine and look at changes shaping the country's economy, culture and social fabric.  Please watch the CNN specials on Ukraine highlighting 25 years after Chernobyl.  The times are Fri Jan 21, 6:30 PM, Sat Jan 22, 2:30 PM & 9:30 PM, and Sun Jan 23, 10:30 AM.…