Power Ball Hits at Parish Bingo

On September 1, 2010, a new feature, popular with bingo  patrons, started.  Power Ball was added!  Starting with that Wednesday’s games the night’s caller pulled a number prior to the start of the regular games.  This would be known as the Power Ball. A $100 “pot” would be won by a player if their winning number for a game (other than the 50/50 games) was the Power Ball number of the night.  Excitement grows when no one wins on the Power Ball for the night as $50 would be added to the pot for the next bingo night.   

As luck is unpredictable, no one won on a Power Ball number and the pot grew to be $500, which is the limit.  It stayed at $500 for twelve evenings of bingo until Wednesday, November 3, 2010.  That evening a regular patron of our bingo games won on I 20, the Power Ball number of the evening.  Congratulations to the winner and good luck to all players as the Power Ball pot will again start at $100 and grow until there is another winner.

Holy Name’s Halloween Buffet Breakfast

This year, October 31st, was more than just Halloween.  It was also the date of the Holy Name Society’s latest event – a buffet breakfast.  Welcoming patrons at the door was a big bowl of candy and the smell of bacon, sausage, and pancakes.  

The ambitious men of the Holy Name prepared a buffet that included fresh fruit, pancakes, waffles, scrambled eggs, home fries, bacon, sausage, and the Boyko family recipe soufflé. If that was not enough, one could order an omelet made to your liking.  Fresh rolls and home-made baked goods were there for the taking, if you still had room. 

On this busy autumn morning, one-hundred-fifty participants were cooked for and served by fourteen Holy Name men.  Though it was Halloween, it was really Saint Nicholas Day that the Holy Name members had in mind.  The profit from this breakfast will fund their next big event – a Saint Nicholas celebration for parish children and their parents on Sunday, December 5th.…

Calendar Dance Images Posted

The annual Calendar Dance sponsored by the St. Ann's Society was sucessfully held on October 23, 2010.
Music was provided by New Jersey’s most “Wanted” rock-n-roll party band. A night of dining and dancing was enjoyed by all.
Pictures from this event are now posted for viewing in the Images gallery or by clicking here:  Calendar Dance 2010

Calendar Dinner Dance

Our parish  Dinner-Dance party was a great success. Close to 200 people attended, and all seemed to have lots of fun. The hall, the food, the music, the games, and most importantly the company were all superb!. The event would not have been such a success without the tremendous efforts of the  Society of St. Ann’s  members who sponsored the Dance and the many volunteers, family and friends that lent a helping hand. All in all it was another fun filled and friendly dinner and dance. Hope to see you next year!

Holy Name Society sponsoring a Halloween Breakfast Buffet

The Holy Name Society will sponsor an all-you-can-eat  Halloween Breakfast Buffet on Sunday, October 31, 2010 from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM in the school cafeteria.
The menu will consist of the usual delicious items including: omelets made-to-order, scrambled eggs, egg soufflé, pancakes, sausage, bacon, hash browns and fruit.
Donation is $10 per adult, $5 per child age 13-17, and children 12 and under are free.
For tickets, see any Holy Name member or call Charlie Boyko, 732-254-3966.

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Хелуін Сніданок
Братство Пресвятого Імені буде мати сніданок "Все, що ви можете з'їсти" для усіх парафіян у Неділю, 31 жовтня 2010 з 9:00 до 12:30 у шкільній кафетерії.
Меню включає в себе яєчню, омлети на замовлення, млинці, бекон, ковбаса, оладки, яйя суфле, фрукти, сік, кава, чай і багато іншого.
Пожертвування $ 10 на дорослого, $ 5 для підлітків 12-17. Діти до 12 років безкоштовно.
Квитки можна придбати після Літургії, або за телефоном Чарльз Бойко на 732-254-3966.


Our parish Bingo is held every Wednesday and Friday in the  school auditorium!

Doors open at 6 PM. Games begin at 7:30 PM. Come out, have fun, enjoy our smoke-free games as well as our delicious foods Proceeds support the parish school and parish programs

Thanks to all the Bingo volunteers. Your time and suggestions are making a difference — bingo is getting bigger and better every session!! More volunteers always needed. Let us know.…

Zaporozhe Dance Ensemble Exhibits

The Zaparozhe Dance Ensemble, a Ukrainian dance group for youth and young adults, formed in our parish in 1984.  The group's development was spearheaded by parishioner Roman Szewczyk.  The renowned dancer and choreographer, Pani Roma Pryma-Bohachevsky (1927-2004), led the group from 1989 until it disbanded in 1992.  The ensemble performed widely, including three performances at the Ukrainian Festival at the Garden State Arts Center in Holmdel, NJ.  Mrs. Joyce Adamshick served as the adult moderator.
The ensemble was featured in a photographic exhibit in the church hall on Saturday and Sunday, October 9 and 10, after the Divine Liturgies.  Framed photographs and posters were on display and available for sale.  A percentage of the proceeds will be donated to the parish.
Parishioners and friends who missed this showing will have another chance to see the exhibit on November 14, 2010  at the  parish school's Christmas Holiday Bazaar.
Images from the Sunday, October 10th coffee hour exhibit are here:  Zaporozhe