Calendar Party Scheduled

The St. Ann's Society sponsored Calendar Dinner Dance will be held on Saturday, Oct. 23, 2010.
Enjoy a night of dining and dancing – Live Music by New Jersey’s most “Wanted” rock-n-roll party band.  
Tickets, $30.00 per person, are available from St. Ann’s members.  
For info call Anna at the rectory, 732-826-0767.
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Парафіяльне сестрицтво  Св. Анни  приготовляє Calendar Dinner Dance – Вечерю з Танцями яка відбудеться у Суботу, 23 жовтня 2010.
Квитки по $30 можна придбати у членів сестрицтва, або зателефонуйте до священика на 732-826-0767.…

Ukrainian American Veterans

The Ukrainian American Veterans Post 30 will meet following the 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy  on Sunday, October 31, 2010 at St. Stephen Church in Toms River, New Jersey.
If you are a veteran and are interested in joining UAV Post 30, please call 973-432-8612 and speak to the Commander, Mr. Gerry Tchir.
To learn more about this organization, visit the Ukrainian American Veterans website here:   UAV website

English Classes Begin

Вивчення Англійської Мови
Курси англійської мови для тих, хто бажає поліпшити свою англійську мову почнуться в неділю, 3 жовтня 2010 року.
Заняття будуть о 1:00 пополудні у церковній залі.
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English classes for those who wish to improve their English language started on Sunday, October 3, 2010.
The classes with Anna Lawrence will be at 1:00 PM in the church hall on Sundays.  All are invited.
View here / Подивитися тут:     English Classes

ZAPOROZHE, Ukrainian Dance Ensemble

The former Ukrainian Dance Ensemble of Perth Amboy, Zaporozhe, will be featured in a photographic exhibit on Saturday and Sunday, October 9 and 10, after liturgies in the church hall. 

Photographs and posters will be on display and for sale.  A percentage of the proceeds will be donated to the church.

Come see the exhibit which explodes in the richness of Zaporozhe, Perth Amboy, New Jersey. 

Parishioners and friends are invited to take advantage of this event.

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Виставка фотографій
Запоріжжя, український ансамбль танцю, що багато років тому існував у нашій парафій буде мати виставку фотографій у зерковній залі у суботу і неділю, 9 і 10 жовтня, після літургій.

Фотографії та плакати можна буде також собі придбати на згадку.

Приходьте подивитися.

Відсоток від доходів будуть передані церкві.

Amazing 3-D Light Show from Ukraine

We came across this unique and extraordinary light show.  
The light show was presented on Ukrainian Independence Day, August 24th, in the city of Kharkiv, Ukraine.  
The backdrop is the Kharkiv Regional Administration Building.
The creative illusions are stunning to the eye.  Make sure your speakers are on!
Watch the video here / Подивитися тут:  Light Show

10th Annual Ukrainian Festival Held

St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church located at 719 Sanford Avenue, Newark, New Jersey  held their 10th annual Ukrainian Festival on Saturday, September 25th, 2010.
An outdoor program began at 2:00 p.m. which featured Ukrainian entertainment, music,and dancing.
There was plenty of delicious Ukrainian foods along with crafts and attractions for children.
After the program, a zabava continued late into the night with live music and dancing.
View photos here / Дивіться фотографії тут:   St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Festival

Fox Chase Pilgrimage 2010

The Sisters of the Order of St. Basil the Great invite you to join them to celebrate The Seventy-Ninth Annual Pilgrimage to the Mother of God.
Saturday, October 2, 2010 from 6:00 PM – 8 PM.
Sunday, October 3, 2010 from 10 AM – 5 PM.
This years theme: "Let it be done to me according to your word" (Luke 1:38) Surrender to God's call.
For more information visit the Sisters of the Order of St. Basil the Great website at
Fox Chase Pilgrimage schedule:   English version

Читайте повний розклад тут: Українська Версія

Interior of our Archeparchial Cathedral

Blessed in 1966, our Ukrainian Archeparchial Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Philadelphia is an impressive structure.
It has fine iconography in the nave and sanctuary and its gold dome is visible from miles away.  The cathedral recently hosted an exhibition of an authorized replica of the "Shroud of Turin."
We hope you enjoy this 360 degree view of the cathedral.
Move your mouse on the image or use the controls to see its beautiful interior in its entirety.
View here:  360 Degree View
Read more: Cathedral site

Father Mykola Buryadnyk to Visit Our Parish

Father Mykola Buryadnyk will be visiting us here in Perth Amboy.  He is a good friend of Father Ivan from their days in the seminary.   Father Ivan and Father Mykola will con-celebrate the 9 AM Divine Liturgy this Sunday, September 26th.
Father Mykola is pastor of St. Joseph the Betrothed Parish in Chicago.  Recall that his parish has a truly unique church design.  We featured the church in an article that appeared in October 2009.  Here, again, is the article for anyone that has not seen it.
Welcome Father Mykola!
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Unusually Unique Ukrainian Church

St. Joseph the Betrothed Ukrainian Catholic Church in Chicago is famous for its ultra-modern design. Its thirteen-gold-domed roof symbolizes the twelve apostles with Jesus Christ as the largest center dome.  The church has a stunning blue interior with wonderful iconography.
Dedicated and consecrated in 1977 by our former pastor Bishop Gabro, it has appeared on lists of the most unique churches in the world.
10 Unique Churches (see number eight) from website, read here:  Unique Churches (PDF)
Slide Show

Wikipedia Entry (with good photos)

Their Parish Website