Somerset Patriots Baseball Game

The Holy Name Society is sponsoring an outing to see the Somerset Patriots play baseball on Sunday July 19, 2009 at their stadium in Bridgewater New Jersey. Transportation is NOT included. The game begins at 5:05 PM and refreshments are included. Tickets for altar boys are free.

For information on purchasing tickets call:

Ron Rosato at 732-855-7418, or Charlie Boyko at 732-254-3966.…

Certificate of Excellence Awarded

The Royal Garden Club by the Bay has awarded a Certificate of Excellence to the Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Assumption for beautifying the city of Perth Amboy with flowers, shrubs and trees.

You can appreciate the beautiful park like settings everywhere you look simply by walking around the parish block.
It is truly a magnificent "Ukrainian Oasis" amongst the city of Perth Amboy.

Diaconal Ordination of Paul J. Makar

Our parishioner Sub-deacon Paul J. Makar was ordained a deacon on Pentecost Sunday, May 31 2009. Metropolitan-Archbishop Stefan Soroka performed the ordination in our parish church at the 10 AM Divine Liturgy with our Choir "Boyan" singing the responses. After the diaconal ordination a luncheon was held in his honor at the school auditorium with approximately 250 attendees. Joyce Adamshick and her hard working volunteer kitchen crew provided an excellent buffet of sausage with peppers, baked BBQ chicken, baked ziti, potato salad, cold-cuts, and salad. A wide variety of homemade pastries, cookies, and cakes were served for dessert.
Deacon Paul J. is assigned to Reading PA where he will begin his Clinical Pastoral Education at Reading Hospital, School of Health Science. In the fall he will return to St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic seminary to attend his final year at The Catholic University of America (CUA) in Washington DC.
He has proudly followed in the footsteps of his father, Deacon Paul Makar Jr. who has been assigned to our parish since his ordination in 1987. May God grant Deacon Paul J. many more blessings as he continues his final studies for the priesthood.
See more images of the Preparing for Deacon Paul J. Makar Luncheon
See more images of the Diaconal Ordination

Parish Picnic Approaching

The annual Parish Picnic sponsored by the Holy Name Society and St. Ann’s Society will be held on Saturday, June 20 at 2PM on the church grounds. Rain or shine, there will be lots of food, fun, music provided by a D.J. and a clown doing face-painting for the children.

Everything is free, but please sign up so they know how much food to prepare. The sign up sheet is located in the church hall, or call Charlie at 732-254-3966.
Mark this date on your calendar and join us for an afternoon of enjoyment!…

Summer Liturgy Schedule Reminder

Beginning June 7 (first Sunday in June), the summer liturgy schedule will go into effect.
On Sundays both liturgies will be one half hour earlier, 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM.
The Saturday evening liturgy will stay at 5:00 PM.

This schedule is in effect for the months of June, July and August. …