Lenten Fish Dinner served this Saturday

The Holy Name Society will have its annual Lenten Fish Dinner featuring broiled fish, pyrohy, borscht, balchicki, haluski, beverages, and dessert on the new date – Saturday, March 1 from 4 to 7 PM.

Price is $9.00 for adults and $2.00 for children.

Purchase tickets from any member or at the door.…

100-year Jubilee Book – Family Pages soon available

Family Pages in the 100-year Jubilee Parish History Book will soon be offered to parishioners. Family Pages were done for our tremendously successful 75-year Jubilee book. Those that did a page are grateful now. Those that did not, wish they had!

Fellow parishioners, this is literally a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have your family featured in the 100-year Jubilee parish history book. A book like this will not be done again for a long time.

Start planning now with your relatives and dig up some old photos. Please inform any former parishioners that have moved away.

More Family Page information is in a flyer in the vestibule. Printable Example (PDF). …

Senior’s sponsor a special speaker

The Ukrainian Senior Citizens are sponsoring a 100-year Jubilee brunch with a special guest speaker. It will be held on Thursday, March 13, 2008 at 11:30 AM in the church hall. The program, “Preparation for Lent” will be by Fr. William Rakowicz from Loyola House of Retreats, Morristown, NJ. Confessions also will be available.

There is no charge, but please call Eleanor at 732-802-0863, or Joan, 732-826-4875 beforehand.

All parishioners are welcome. Please join us!…

Choir “Boyan” offers Christmas CD

Our parish Choir "Boyan" is offering a CD featuring seventeen classic Ukrainian Christmas carols. This rare Choir "Boyan"recording, performed with the St. Vladimir choir from Elizabeth, NJ, was made in 1978 under the direction of Professor Lewycky.

CD's are available at Coffee Hour or from a choir member. Price is only $6 each.

Put them aside for next Christmas; which is only ten months away!…

Really rousing reunion

L-R – Tommy '71, Sharon, Sr. Yosaphata,
Glenys '71
"We didn't have these when we were here."

Our parish school held an all-years reunion on February 2. Students were able to walk around the school building to see their old classrooms and former teachers – and to see improvements; like the science lab and library.

After all these years, the school still looks like it's brand new!

Sister Yosaphata was honored for her 45 years of continuous service. Now that's dedication.…

Holy Name has installation

The parish Holy Name Society (HNS) had its solemn installation of officers on January 12 after the 5 PM Liturgy. Installed were: l-r, Peter Baralecki, vice-president; Michael Lawrence, treasurer; and Ronald Rosato, president.

Afterwards, the HNS had dinner at the Barge Restaurant.

The HNS does many good works for the parish while enriching the spiritual side of its members.

The parish thanks you for your time and dedication. Mnohaya lita!…

Easter especially early


OK, you've exchanged the last Christmas gift and swept up the remaining pine needles. Just in time, since Lent starts two weeks from today.

Wait! What? Yes, Lent begins for Eastern Rite Catholics on Monday, February 4; and Ash Wednesday for the Roman Rite is February 6. Easter of 2008 falls on March 23; the 2nd earliest date that Easter can be. There will not be another Easter on this date until 2160.

Since you want to know the whole story: Easter is always set on the first Sunday after the first full moon of spring. The earliest date Easter can therefore be is March 22. For that to happen, March 21st, the first day of spring, has to be a Saturday with a full moon that night. The last time that happened was in 1818 and it will not happen again until 2285.

Maybe we'll have a snowstorm this Easter? That hasn't happened in New Jersey since March 29, 1970!…

Choir concert on cable

Perth Amboy PATV (Channel 34) is showing our Choir "Boyan's" December 16th Christmas concert.

Showings started on Friday, January 12 at 9:30 PM and will repeat every night this week at that time.

Don't miss it!