Bishop Andriy Rabiy celebrates the Divine Liturgy of the Nativity of the Lord ( Julian Calendar) at Assumption Parish.

On Sunday, January 7, 2019 His Grace, Most. Rev. Andriy Rabiy served the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy with the Assumption Catholic Church community of Perth Amboy, NJ along with host parish priest Rev. Ivan Turyk. As His Grace arrived to celebrate the Liturgy, he was greeted with the traditional bread by the parish financial officer Michael Raab Jr and Anastasia Lytvyn presented His Grace with a bouquet of flowers. During the Christmas Divine Liturgy, His Grace spoke movingly about the meaning of Christmas and reassured all the faithful that no matter how long since their last visit, they will always find their spiritual home ready and waiting to welcome them at Assumption parish. It was really an inspiring and a beautiful Christmas Liturgy, with melodious responses sang by our Church Choir “Boyan”.

Senior Citizens Christmas Party

At Assumption parish, we are blessed to have not only many seniors but also the Parish Senior Club. The members of the club gather once a month, on the first Thursday of the month at 12 noon in the parish hall. They enjoy each other’s company, share lunch and listen to Fr. Ivan or other speakers offering reflections on different topics. They also sponsor some parish events and organize trips to a casino. This past Thursday, December 13, the seniors citizen’s Christmas party was held at the Superior Diner in Perth Amboy, NJ. After a delicious lunch all in attendance received a poinsettia, a donation from Novak Funeral Home, a box of cookies and Fr. Ivan was given a Christmas tree skirt for the rectory tree. The seniors also donated $2,000 to the Church for ongoing parish programs. Thank you and may the Lord Almighty bless you all and especially the two driving forces of the organization, the President – Joan Zaleski and Treasurer – Eleanor Kataryniak.



Christ is Born!

“Today Christ is Born of the Virgin in Bethlehem. Today, the eternal One has a beginning, today the Word becomes incarnated. All the heavenly powers rejoice, and all who dwell on earth are happy.  The magi offer the gift to the Master, the shepherds proclaim the marvel; and we cry aloud unceasingly: Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace and good will to all.”  

Stichera at the Praises, Matins of the Nativity of Our Lord.

The liturgical texts of the Nativity of Our Lord often repeat a word “Today” and call everyone to respond to God’s invitation. Emmanuel – God with us came to the world over two thousand years ago and was greeted with marvel by shepherds and magi offering him homage and gifts. If we want that joy of Christmas to invade our lives, we must do what the shepherds did so long ago. We must come to our parish churches and bow before the newborn King. Hope is available but only to those who will humble themselves and bow in faith before the Lord Jesus Christ.

We often think about Jesus Christ each year in the Christmas season.  We are deeply touched by the beauty of the nativity scene, and resolve to know Christ personally, follow Jesus in our daily lives and be with Him.  But, then the Christmas season passes and the pressures of a new year lead us away from the manger. There is great danger in coming near to Christ but never making a commitment. Sooner or later, we must make a personal commitment that Jesus Christ will be our Lord and Savior. Every time we put it off, it becomes harder the next time.

May God give us, the grace to make room in our hearts for Jesus Christ! The angel said, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior.” “Unto you.” “For you.” He came for us! This is where Christmas becomes intensely personal. It’s not enough to say abstractly that we believe Christ came. Many people say that and are still lost in their search for the living God. It’s not enough to say that Christ came for someone else. We can never be saved until we say, “Christ came for me. He died for me. He rose from the dead for me.”  Two thousand years ago God sent a gift wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. Jesus is God’s Christmas gift to us. But we will never experience Christmas joy until we personally receive God’s gift—the Lord Jesus Christ. There is left to each of us a choice. What will we do with the Christ-child this Christmas? Will we run to meet him and make him welcome in our hearts? Will we sing with the angels or will we be too busy to go to see the babe in the manger? Will we open our hearts and our homes to Jesus?

Today, let us come and welcome Emmanuel – God with Us.  Let us with joy welcome Christ among us!  The beauty of this personal encounter with the living God will call us to share this “Good News” with others.  This is the same message the shepherds received from the angels. If we want to experience the real joy that Jesus wants for us, then we must learn to share! By sharing what God has so generously given to us, we will receive an even greater gift – the gift of joy.  This is the true joy.  It is found in a Person – in Jesus Christ our Savior. This joy flows out of a relationship with the One who never changes, the One who never lets us down, the one who never leaves us or forsakes us – the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior.

On this Christmas day, let us come to our churches and personally encounter this great joy.  Let us experience the life-giving Christ.  Then, with the deep personal conviction we will be able to share this “Good News” with those whom we encounter in our daily lives, and say to one another “God is among us”!

Christ is Born!

+Paul Chomnycky, OSBM
Eparch of Stamford

+Andriy Rabiy
Apostolic Administrator of Archeparchy of Philadelphia

+Venedict Aleksiychuk
Eparch of St. Nicholas in Chicago

+ Bohdan J. Danylo (author)
Eparch of St. Josaphat in Parma

+John Bura
Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia

St. Nicholas visit

“O Who Loves Nicholas The Saintly”

More than 80 children and their families met in a church on Sunday for a special visit from St. Nicholas. The children recited poems and sang some songs to adequately greet the favorite saint of children and adults. Eventually, all the children were worthily rewarded with gifts. Thanks to Holy Name Society for sponsoring the event. Thank you all for being part of this celebration that brought us together honoring the Saint of our childhood.

New Year’s Eve Dinner Dance

New Year’s Eve Dinner Dance ​in the school hall of Assumption Catholic Church​ at 380 Meredith St, Perth Amboy, NJ​ on Monday, December 31, 2018.​​
A fabulous buffet dinner strarts at 8:00 p.m. and all evening. ​Champagne toast and desserts are included. (BYOB)​​
Dancing to the Music of “The Fourth Wave” Band​
Adults – $ 75.00​
Young Adults ( age 13-18 ) – $ 45.00​
Children (up to 12) – $ 25.00​
For reservations & tickets please call at ​
732-826-0767 or 202-368-2408.​​

НОВОРІЧНА ЗАБАВА відбудеться у Понеділок 31 Грудня 2018 у залі Української Католицької Церкви за адресою : 380 Meredith St, Perth Amboy, NJ
Танці з Гуртом “Четверта Хвиля”.
Дорослі – $75.00
Молодь ( 13-18) – $ 45.00
Діти ( до 12 ) – $ 25.00
Квиток включає: вечеря-буфет з 8-ої год.
Святковий стіл, європейські салати, десерти, шампанське, весела музика і чудовий настрій на весь вечір.
За квитками дзвоніть 732-826 -0767 або 202-368-2408.…

Calendar Dinner Dance 2018

Over two hundred parishioners and guests attended parish dance on Saturday October 28. The hall, the food, the music and most importantly the company were all superb! The event would not have been such a success without the tremendous efforts of the Society of St. Ann’s members who sponsored the danceAll in all it was another friendly dinner and fun was had by all.

Kids Talent Show

Do you have a hidden talent? Can you tell a good joke? Sing a song? Play a music instrument? Juggle? Well you are in luck! Our parish will be hosting our first Talent Show on Sunday, November  11 at 12:30 p.m.  in our school hall and all parish children are  invited to be a part of the fun! The more the merrier!​

Secure your 4 minute slot by signing up on the registration form located in the church vestibule.  ​

To book your spot in the talent show  you could also email our Master of Ceremonies:

Anna Lawrence at​   and Iryna Borsa at

Parish Choir “Boyan”

Hierarchical Divine Liturgy and Moleben – Pilgrimage in Fox Chase 2018. Thank you for working together to create a beautifully blended sound and for using your God-given abilities to enhance the Divine Liturgy and encourage the faithful of the pilgrimage to actively participate in the sung prayer of the Church. What a joy – just like being in heaven! God bless you all and may you sing and perform for ever!