Cemetery Fence Fix-up

As you drive by our parish cemetery on Florida Grove Road, the repaired and newly painted fence will catch your eye.  This was accomplished through the efforts of several Holy Name Society members.

While Charlie Boyko, Ron Rosato, and Mike Lawrence used a traditional paint brush, Pete Baralecki, Tom Dochych, Ralph Iacuzio, John Adamshick,  and Anton Massopust used a new painting technique thought up by Pete. They used their hands, first covered by a rubber glove, over which they put an old sock, and then dipped the sock in paint.  Also helping was Holy Name member in training, Andrew Baralecki, fourth grade son of Pete. The fence project took two Saturdays of scraping, welding, and painting. Job well done, Holy Name members!

First Confession and First Solemn Communion

Sixteen children of the Assumption School and Parish had First Confession on Friday, May 6, and received First Solemn Holy Communion on Saturday , May 7, 2011. Our sincerest congratulations and best wishes are extended to:  Kayla, Anali, Jayden, Julie, Vinnie, Andrew, Jasmyn, Daisy, Donovan, Kevin, Joseph, Mia, Matthew, Melasia, Vincent and Sofia. We are grateful to all who have assisted these children on their journey of faith. The list includes but is not limited to, their parents, godparents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, school principal, teachers and this year's catechist  Sr. Maria, MSMG.  Thank you for helping to prepare our children for the greatest gift they will ever receive. We can only hope and pray that their parents will provide the opportunities for their children to continue to receive the Holy Eucharist at weekly  Liturgy (Mass).


Христос Воскрес!
Цього року, весь християнський люд, незалежно від конфесії, святкував Христове Воскресіння разом. Тож і українська спільнота у Перт Ембой у цей день мала нагоду відсвяткувати Великдень за своїми національними звичаями. У нашій  церкві відбулась урочиста Літургія на яку як кажуть багато старших парафіян зібралося найбільше парафіян за всі року святкування Пасхи.  Після Служби Божої, о. Іваном були посвячені кошики з пасками, а також покроплені свяченою водою всі присутні. Так, як це завжди буває у нас вдома, в Україні. Наступної Неділі,  усі вірні після Літургії отримали Артос (посвячений хліб)  а пізніше, у церковній залі відбувся Спільний Пасхальний  Обіду (Свячене), де за спільним частуванням свяченим і спілкуванням у дружній атмосфері, 120 парафіян і гостей  гарно провели час. Щира подяка Сестрицтву Парафії та  усім за жертовну допомогу і віддану працю  у приготуванні Спільного Пасхального Обіду


Our Parish Sviachene ( Easter Dinner)  was held last  Sunday in a beautifully decorated parish hall with 125 people in attendance. A sincere thank you to the ladies from St. Ann Society and many others volunteers for preparing the delicious Sviachene meal and to those who helped make the dinner a success. We certainly appreciate all the gifts donations, food and most of all the wonderful dedicated helpers who gave their time and energy to make this occasion a success. We hope all who attended enjoyed the day and we were truly happy to see all who attended to make this affair possible. Everyone’s presence contributed to making a joyful celebration of Our Lord’s Resurrection.

This is the Day that the Lord has made! Let us rejoice and be glad in it! (Psalm 118:24)

My dear brothers and  sisters in Christ:

You may note that this Psalm is read many times during the Paschal season. I now remember fondly (not so, at the time…) when I was a kid and wouldn’t want to get up for school. My mother would sing this Psalm to me to get me motivated. At the time, it was used as a way to just annoy me out of bed, I think, but now looking back there is a profound understanding that I have gained from it.  We know in the Church that this refers directly to Holy Pascha, that “day” the Lord made in which our salvation is born from the empty tomb. But it can also apply to every day… and that’s a little harder to accept! This is the day that the Lord has made…even if it is absolutely miserable outside. This is the day which the Lord has made…even if the car won’t start. This is the day which the Lord has made…even if someone close to us, who we love, is sick or suffering. In all these events we are called to rejoice and be glad in them. This is where “the rubber has to meet the road” in terms of our faith. It is easy to be zealous and excited exclaiming “Christ is Risen!” in the early morning hours of Pascha, but what about the other days where it might take some effort to do so? This is the challenge that we, as the people of God, must face and must overcome!

So, as we go through our lives, remember that every day is given to us as a gift from God to do His work and to accomplish His will in it. The question is: Do we acknowledge that this day is the Lord’s (and not just Sunday, but EVERY day!), and are we rejoicing in it? If you are a guest at today’s Liturgy, please join me and our parish as we strive to do this in our own small way in Perth Amboy, NJ, and work to achieve that salvation in which the day is eternal and the joy will never cease!

With love and the blessing of our Risen Saviour,

Fr. Ivan Turyk…

Paska Bread Sale!

Our recent Paska Bread Sale sponsored by Choir Boyan  was a great success, not only financially, but in terms of spending time as a community working to build up our parish.  Thanks to Mrs. Colette Baginsky and to everyone who helped make our paska bread sale a success. Paska is a traditional egg bread made for Easter. It is a symbol of family warmth and a very traditional get together that we carry from generation to generation in our parish.

Great and Holy Thursday

On Thursday of Holy Week four events are commemorated: the washing of the disciples’ feet, the institution of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper, the agony in the garden of Gethsemane, and the betrayal of Christ by Judas. This year, the spiritual leader of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in America, Metropolitan – Archbishop Stefan Soroka reenacted the role of Jesus in the annual Holy Thursday ritual of the washing of the feet at the Assumption Catholic Church in Perth Amboy, NJ. Twelve priests, dressed in a red vestments filed the altar before of the beautiful church. At the end of the service, each placed a bare foot above a silver basin. The Archbishop Stefan, stripped of his red robe and wearing a white gown, individually washed, wiped and then kissed each priest's foot. In the Bible, in the Gospel of John, Jesus washed the feet of his 12 disciples before the Last Supper and his eventual crucifixion to demonstrate to them his humility and friendship, the Archbishop explained to the parishioners. This celebration usually takes place at the Cathedral in Philadelphia, but this yesr Archbishop chose to travel to the Assumption Parish, so the parishioners and students from the Assumption Catholic School could participate in Thursday's ceremony.

PS. More pictures will be posted later in the Image Category.

Lenten Spiritual Journey to Christ’s Passion and Resurrection

The first gathering of the catechetical program Generations of Faith was held on Sunday, April 3, 2011 at Assumption Ukrainian Catholic Church in Perth Amboy, N.J. The day began with one Divine Liturgy at 10:00 am sung by the Boyan Choir under the direction of Mrs. Alla Korostil in Ukrainian and parts in English sung by the congregation.

After the Divine Liturgy, on  a crisp, sunny Sunday afternoon when parishioners could have enjoyed many different outings, over 100 adults and 28 children and teenagers gathered in the school auditorium for the first presentation of the parish catechetical program, Generations of Faith. The tables were beautifully decorated in Lenten deep purple with fresh potted plants of purple and white pansies all donated and prepared by Olga Yurechko.

Father Ivan Turyk welcomed all present then blessed the luncheon foods for all to share that were  coordinated by Eleanor Kataryniak and Wasyl Kiczula and borscht prepared by Marika Huna. Father Ivan invoked a prayer to the Holy Spirit to guide and inspire all present. After lunch, the two speakers from the parish, Mrs. Helen Cheloc in English and  Mr. Andrew Wowk  in Ukrainian began the presentation “Lent – Commission/Omission” In order to keep some of the children under 5 occupied during the presentation,  Joan Zaleski had graciously provided Lenten Coloring Books and crayons for them.

Following the presentation, three groups left the gathering to assemble in their own groups. The children, ages 4 to 7 were taken by Sister Maria Kelly, MSMG; the second group, ages 8 to 12 was led by Sister Yosaphata Litvenczuk, MSMG; and the third group, 13-17 was led by Mr. Anton Massopust.  Meanwhile; each table was assigned a facilitator, accordingly in English or Ukrainian. The facilitator was given a set of questions that were to serve as guides for discussion. The discussions about Lent and spiritual life sparked active participation by all.  Following the discussion, each facilitator presented a few observations and comments as to the discussion at  his or her respective table. The students then returned to the auditorium to present their discussion with first the teenagers, followed by the intermediate group and finally the youngest members who brought a smile to every attendee’s face with their animated song.

The day had been planned for  weeks by a dedicated and enthusiastic committee that included, Father Ivan Turyk, Deacon Paul Makar, Sister Yosaphata, MSMG Sister Maria, MSMG, Maria Alvarez, Glenys Bilohowski, Robert and Helen Cheloc, Tom Dochych, Melanie Fedynyshyn, Ronald and Ana Mascenik, Anton and Marcella Massopust, and Joan Zaleski.

To further promote the evangelization in the parish, each participant was given a folder with printed material, generously provided by John Baginsky, as well as a special crucifix and a prayer card with the prayer of St. Ephrem. Those present were asked to recite the prayer as a family once a week at a specified time, continuing the theme of spiritual growth of the family and of the parish family. Attendees were also asked to share the printed material about the Eastern Church with their other family or friends.

The first Generation of Faith program brought together parishioners of all ages to learn, to share and to grow spiritually by gaining a deeper understanding of the Lenten Journey that leads to the Glorious Resurrection of Christ, the center of our faith.

PS: more pictures from the program are in the Image Category