у парафії Св. Іван Хрестителя в Ньюарку
Субота, 25 Вересня, 2010 із 12:00 до 9:00 вечора.    973-371-1356
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St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church,  719 Sanford Ave., Newark, New Jersey will hold their 10th annual Ukrainian Festival on Saturday, September 25th, 2010 from 12:00 noon – 9:00 p.m. 
An outdoor program will be held at 2:00 p.m.  The program will feature: Ukrainian entertainment, music, crafts, and dancing.
There will be delicious Ukrainian foods and attractions for children. 
Admission: $5.  For information call 973-371-1356.…

“Farewell and Welcome” parish luncheon

A buffet luncheon was held on Sunday, September 12, 2010 to bid a fond farewell to our beloved pastor of 29 years, Father Roman Dubitsky, and to welcome our new pastor, Father Ivan Turyk.
A special Divine Liturgy was con-celebrated by Father Roman and Father Ivan at 10 AM.  Following Divine Liturgy, a hot buffet luncheon was held at the parish school auditorium.  Guests, numbering 480, included visiting clergy, Father Roman's family members, friends, and parishioners.  It was the highest-attended parish banquet in 20 years. Buffet dishes included pork loin, BBQ chicken, seafood cakes, pyrohy/varenyky (kapusta and potato), holubchi, roasted potato's, mixed vegetables, salads, and homemade desserts.  All of the dishes were entirely homemade by parish volunteers.
Musical selections were sung by our Choir "Boyan" which sang "Отче наш" to open the program plus an additional selection sung later.  Children from Assumption Catholic School, our parish school, sang two songs.  A traditional "privit" welcome dance was performed by a unique "all generations" Ukrainian dance group.  The group was assembled special for the occasion and included dancers ranging in age from young to old.  In addition, the parish's Nadiya Dance Ensemble performed the dance “Квітка.”  For their efforts, the performers received well-deserved applause from the huge gathering.
Speeches honoring Father Roman were made in both Ukrainian and English.
It was a day of mixed emotions for the parish, sad because Father Roman is leaving Perth Amboy, yet joyful as we welcome Father Ivan, our new pastor.
"Mnohaya Lita"
View images here:   Farewell & Welcome Parish Luncheon

Parish School BBQ

Шкільне "Барбекю”
Кожного року наша школа робить  барбекю, щоб зібрати кошти на шкільні екскурсії та додаткові навчальні посібники для дітей.
Ця імпреза  буде проведена у Четвер, 16 вересня з 5:00 до 7:00 вечора. Парафіяни та гості  запрошуються.
Якщо квитки будуть придбані заздалегідь, то вартість квитків буде $ 8 для дорослих та  $5 для дітей. Ціна $10/дорослі та  і $ 7/діти,  якщо квитки будуть придбані при дверях  у школі.
Для отримання інформації на  квитки, зателефонуйте до канцелярії школи: 732-826-8721.

The parish school is having their annual barbecue to raise funds for school trips and additional educational aids for the children.
This barbecue will be held on Thursday, September 16th  from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Parishioners and guests are invited.
If tickets are purchased in advance, the tickets will cost $ 8 for adults and $ 5 for children. The price is $ 10/adult and $ 7/child if tickets are purchased on the day of the school barbecue.
For information on tickets, call the school office: 732-826-8721.

Assumption Catholic School begins new school year.

As we begin a new school year, it is good to remember that God has given us the ability to learn many things. Learning is a gift from God. The Bible says that Jesus learned and studied, just as we do. Jesus grew in wisdom.

We ask God’s blessing on this new school year, that it may be a time when we appreciate and fully use God’s gift of learning.

We ask God to bless our school and teachers.

We ask God to bless our classmates.

We ask God to bless our principal, counselor, and librarian.

We ask God to bless those who prepare our lunches, those who drive us to school, and those who keep our schools clean.

We give thanks to God for books and computers and all the things that help us learn.

We give thanks to God for the gift of learning!


1. Renovated School is ready for its students (above)
2. Fr. Ivan Turyk – Pastor and Mr. Michael Szpyhulsky  – Principal
3. Sr. Yosaphata, MSMG – Vice Principal and Financial Administrator. Sr. Josaphata believes that education transforms lives and she dedicate more then 40 years of her life to the school.
4. The school faculty  is one big family

THE GLORY OF UKRAINE- Sacred Images from the 11th to the 19th Centuries

СЛАВА УКРАЇНИ – Духовні Образки від 11- го до 19-го Століття

Виставка в Музею Біблійного Мистецтва, 1865 Broadway (at 61st St.) NYC.
Виставка включає 60 ікон, між ними одну з найбільше рідких що існує, та інших прикладів нашого духовного мистецтва котрі рідко є доступні до оглядання публікою. Особливо виставлені є предмети із Києво-Печерської Лаври та з Львівського Народнього Музею. Виставка триватиме до 12-го вересня ц.р.
Подивитися тут:    СЛАВА УКРАЇНИ

Exhibit at the Museum of Biblical Arts 1865 Broadway (at 61st St.) NYC.
Sixty icons, including one of the rarest Ukrainian icons in existence, and other objects seldom seen by the outside world are on display through Sept.12, 2010. Featured are items from the Kyiv-Pecherskaya Lavra (Monastery of the Caves), and the Lviv National Museum.…

Parish School Window Renovation Project

Work is currently underway on a major project necessary for our parish school. A very generous donation has made it possible to enter into this project.
The original 1963 windows are in the process of being replaced with new energy efficient types. All the windows will be replaced except for the tall auditorium windows facing Jacques Street which were replaced in 1998. The parish hopes to reduce our high heating and cooling bills. Not only will the new windows increase energy efficiency, the handsome tan panels will provide an updated look to the school exterior.
Please consider making a special donation to help cover the maintenance costs that come with operating a parish school.
If anyone is interested in sponsoring a window, please contact the rectory.
View images here:  Window Renovation Project

48th Year of Our Parish School to Begin

Assumption Catholic School will begin its 48th year in providing an excellent and quality education.
School classes start on Thursday, September 2st  2010.
For more information check out our school's website at www.assumptioncatholicschool.net
Welcome back to school!…

Ukrainian Catholic Vocations Website Up and Running

Rev. Father Paul J. Makar is the Vocations Director of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia, and has just launched the archeparchy’s vocations website.
View it here:    Vocations Website
Prayer for Vocations:
Almighty and merciful God, inspire those You have chosen to hear and answer Your call to the Priesthood and Religious Life.
Give them the courage to be the prophets for our times.
Give them the wisdom and openness to live their personal call.
Give them the strength to be ready witness of Your love and care for the world.
May they find support and encouragement in our words and in our prayers, through the intercession of Mary, the Mother of God, and all the Saints.
Amen …

Liturgy Schedule Change

Beginning Sunday, September 5, 2010, the regular Sunday liturgy schedule will be 9 AM (Ukrainian) and 11:30 AM (English).
Having the second liturgy one half hour later will give more time between liturgies for the priest to hear confessions, and will help with the parking around the church.
Зміна Порядку Літургій

Починаючи від неділі 5-го вересня буде зміна в часі неділішних літургій: перша літургія (українська) буде в год. 9-ій а друга (по анґлійськи) буде в год. 11:30.…