Prosphora – Holy Supper January 6, 2010

Our parish's fourth annual Holy Supper was held on January 6, 2010, Christmas Eve according to the Julian Calendar.
A "covered-dish" dinner, approximately 85 parishioners attended and shared their home cooking of traditional and delicious Ukrainian Christmas Eve meatless dishes.
Afterwards, everyone joined together in singing traditional Ukrainian Christmas carols accompanied by Ms. Anna Lawrence on acoustic guitar.
This is always a wonderful opportunity to share Holy Supper together as one large parish family.
View photos here :   Prosphora – Holy Supper January 6, 2010

Cold in Kyiv Too

You may have read that Europe has been having an intense cold wave.
We came across this image of ice fisherman on the Dnipro.  What caught our attention was our Greek-Catholic Sobor (Principal Cathedral) of the Resurrection of Our Lord in the background.
Built on the Left Bank of the Dnipro River, construction of the Sobor began in 2002.
The location is spacious and affords scenic views of the Kyiv Hills across the river.
The major archiepiscopal see of Lviv was moved to Kyiv in August, 2005.…

Parish New Year’s Eve Zabava

A sold-out New Year's Eve Zabava was held on December 31, 2009.  Some 400 guests joined in saying "goodbye" to 2009 and "welcome" to 2010.
A delicious buffet was served.  Dishes included pork tenderloin, chicken cutlet wraps, chicken-loaf, baked salmon, seafood cakes stuffed with shrimp-scallops and crabmeat, kovbasa with kapusta, holubchi, potato dumplings, roasted potato's, blintzes, varieties of salad, and homemade desserts.  The buffet was available all evening long.  All of the dishes were homemade by the parish's Zabava Committee.
The band, "Oberehy" kept the dance floor crowded all evening with songs that all enjoyed.
Several long days of preparations by Zabava Committee members along with volunteers from the parish resulted in a wonderful evening.
Held since 2006, two parish zabava's have been run annually.  Keep checking the parish website's calendar for the next zabava.
Thank you to everyone involved in making this a successful event!

New Year's Eve Zabava part 1

New Year's Eve Zabava part 2

Annual Festival of Christmas Carols

В неділю, 10-го Січня 2010 року в Катедрі Непорочного Зачаття в Філадельфії, о 3-й одині пополудні відбудеться Фестиваль Різдвяної Коляди.
Будуть виступати хори з різних парафій.
Щиро запрошуємо всіх.

Annual Festival of Christmas Carols will be held on Sunday, January 10, 2010 at 3 p.m. at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Philadelphia.
Choirs from different parishes will participate.
Everyone is welcome.…

Parish Youth Group Spreads Holiday Cheer

Defying the dreary, rainy weather, the Parish Youth Group warmed the hearts of our parish's elderly, sick, and shut-ins on Saturday December 26, 2009.  The Parish Youth Group visited a dozen of our elderly parishioners to cheer them with Christmas carols.  
Musical selections included Boh Predvichnyi, Boh Sya Razhdaye, Voh Vyfliyemi Nyni Novyna, Nova Radist' Stala, and Dobryi Veychyr Tobi.
Founded in 2003, the Youth Group carols during the Christmas season.  The carolers were led by Ms. Anna Lawrence, music teacher at the parish school, and Deacon Paul J. Makar who was visiting home for the Holy Days from St. Josaphat Seminary in Washington DC.
A very special "thank you" to the members for their kindness towards the elderly of our parish during this holy season.

Theology on Tap

On Wednesday, December 30, 2009, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM, our invitation is extended to all young adults from ages 21 to 35 to come to J.J. Bitting Brewing Co. in Woodbridge to enjoy food, drink, and fellowship while learning about your faith.
Deacon Paul J. Makar will present a talk on the topic of spirituality and religion followed by open discussion.
For more information contact Deacon Paul J. Makar at the rectory, 732-826-0767.…

Christmas Greetings!

Христос Рождається!  ~  Славіте Його!

Christ is Born… Glorify Him!

The Christmas Gospels speak to us of a family, rejoicing at a child’s birth, their lives uniquely affected by God’s presence in their midst, responding with faith and trust to their special role in the history of salvation.

The example of the Holy Family inspires us as we celebrate Christmas.  As they rejoice at Jesus’ birth, so too do we, remembering the new divine life made possible by Jesus’ life on earth.

To all we extend our prayerful best wishes for a joyous and blessed Christmas.  I am deeply grateful to all of you for all that is being accomplished in the life of the parish.  As we ask for your prayers, we assure you of ours, that in the New Year we who are God’s family on earth may serve Him with gladness!

Sincerely in Christ,

Fr. Roman, Dn. Paul, Dn. Paul J., Sisters, M.S.M.G., Parish Staff…

Dumka Chorus Concert of Christmas Carols

On Sunday, December 13, 2009 our parish warmly welcomed the Ukrainian Chorus, Dumka. Led by Artistic Director and Conductor Vasyl Hrechynsky, the chorus performed a Concert of Christmas Carols for all to enjoy.
Dumka was formed in New York City in 1949. The founders sought to preserve and cultivate the rich secular and religious musical heritage of Ukraine. In the years since, Dumka has performed concerts in various venues in North America, Europe and in 1990 in Ukraine.
Our sincere thanks are extended to the Ukrainian Chorus Dumka and conductor Vasyl Hrechynsky for performing a beautiful concert in our church.
This concert was recorded by the local Comcast cable channel 34 and will be aired shortly. Keep checking your cable schedule listings for the date and time of this performance.
Video clips of the performance are available here :  You Tube Video Clips

Images of this concert can be seen here:  Dumka Christmas Concert 2009

Breakfast with St. Nicholas recently held

A free breakfast for the parish was sponsored by the Holy Name Society on Sunday, December 6, 2009. Special arrangements were also made by the Holy Name Society for St. Nicholas to visit the children in attendance.
Approximately 220 parishioners attended, including 52 children which kept St. Nicholas busy distributing presents to all of them.
Sincere thanks to the Holy Name Society for making this possible and providing a delicious breakfast for all.
Images from this event can be seen here:  Breakfast with St. Nicholas, 2009

New Year’s Eve Ζаbava Reminder

Новорічна Ζабава 2009

Сонсорована Українською Католицъкою Церквою в  Перс Амбой.
у четвер 31- го груаня о 8:00 год. Вечора
шкільна аудиторія – 380 Merideth St., Perth Amboy, NJ 08861


Квитки придбані заздлегідь – $65.00
Після 25- го грудня – $75.00

Смачна вечеря- буфет з 8-ої год. та весь вечір.
Шампанське та десерт.

Замовити стіл- тел. 732 826 0767
При вході квитки продаватись не будуть.

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