Ground-Breaking Ceremony of New Church in Whippany, NJ

Last Sunday, Saint John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Whippany, NJ celebrated their parish Feast Day,  as well as the 90th ANNIVERSARY of the FOUNDING OF THE PARISH. A Panakhyda  for the repose of all of our deceased founders, pastors, parishioners and benefactors was sang  after the  Liturgy. Then the procession and  BREAKING OF GROUND FOR THE NEW CHURCH took  place, and the parish feast day dinner was  held at the hall.  On that day, the parish also celebrated the 35th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination   of their  pastor, Right Reverend Mitred Protopresbyter Roman Mirchuk. Fr. Ivan a long time friend of Fr. Roman was a master of ceremonies at the banquet.

Parish Picnic an Overwhelming Success

What can I say. The Parish Picnic was an overwhelming success. We prayed together, we shared food together, we worked together, we had a lot of fun together. We gave thanks to God for our food and for the gift that our parishioners are to one another. This is what a parish is all about. I thank Mr. Charles Boyko the President of the Holy Name Society, the ladies from St. Ann’s Society and the men from the Holy Name Society  and so many other parishioners who worked so hard to provide us with such an enjoyable day. Well done. God will certainly bless you and all of your families for your goodness to us. I look forward to seeing you all again at our Parish Picnic next year.

+ Rev. Augustine Molodowitz fell asleep in the Lord

On Tuesday, June 15, 2011  a  long time Associate Pastor of the Assumption Church, Rev. Augustine Molodowitz, fell asleep in the Lord at Ascension Manor in Philadelphia. On February 14, 1988  the Assumption Parish in Perth Amboy, NJ  and St. Stephen Church in Toms River, NJ welcomed Father Molodowitz who  was assigned to assist Father Dubitsky by Archbishop Metropolitan Stephen Sulyk. Father "Gus," as he was  fondly called by parishioners will be greatly missed by all.  Per Fr. Molodowitz's funeral arrangements, the interment is private. We are asked to remember him in your prayers. Veechnaya pamyat!…

Cemetery Clean-Up

The men from the Holy Name Society cleared weeds and debris and cleaned gravestones at the parish cemetery in preparation for Memorial Day Weekend. Thank you for all your help!

Becoming One

We all wish to pass on our heartfelt congratulations to our parishioners George Zereconski and Karen Grimes  on the occasion of their marriage in our parish last week. Your new vocation, marriage, calls you both to greatness.  Regardless of whatever challenges arise, Jesus will be there with you. He'll be there when your hearts are broken and when they're overflowing with joy.  May his blessings be as endless as the circle of your rings.   May he grant you strength and vision in the new life you've begun, and make your married life a happy one.  May God bless you both and keep you faithful to each other and to Him all the days of you lives.

Congratulations to both of you.…

Parish Senior Citizens – Special Anniversaries

The Ukrainian Senior Citizens celebrated Mothers and Fathers day with a luncheon at  the Reo Diner on Thursday June 9.  At this time two special celebrations were also held. Emil & Irene Dochych and Michael & Catherine Michalski were honored on the occasion of there 50th Wedding Anniversary's .The two couples were married on the same date June 17,1961. Emil and Irene were married at Holy Cross Ukrainian Church Astoria  Queens, New York and Michael and Catherine were married  at Ukrainian Church of Assumption,Perth Amboy,N.J.   Each couple was presented with flowers and the Reo Diner made special Anniversary cakes in their honor. God grant them many years.

Come Enjoy “BINGO”

Come and join us for bingo every Wednesday and Friday Nights at 7:30 p.m.- 9:15 p.m. The door is open at 6:30 p.m.  In September we started the Power Ball Game that often reach $500 a night. You are invited to come have fun, make new friends, and possibly win money, too! There is no smoking in the hall during Bingo games. Bingo is operated on a cash basis. No checks or credit/debit cards are accepted. Our Bingo proceeds support school and parish programs.

Happy 65th Wedding Anniversary

Congratulations to our parishioners Mr. Charles Stek and Mrs. Frances Stek for celebrating sixty five years of love for each other and for being such great role models for us. We, at the Assumption Church, hope that the Lord will grant unto you both good health and strength, so you both will have many more happy years together. Continue to keep your faith in God. The life you both lives has touches the life of all those who came in contact, may your love for each be sweeter each day.