Liturgical Services Live Streaming Schedule in Philadelphia Archeparchy

Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception – Philadelphia, PA

The Divine Liturgy (bi-lingual) will be live streamed Sunday, March 22 10:30 AM
with Metropolitan-Archbishop Borys Gudziak presiding.
Click on Archieparchial Facebook page to watch:
Click on Cathedral Facebook page to watch:

Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine of the Holy Family – Washington, DC

The Presanctified Liturgy will be livestreamed Wednesdays and Fridays 7:00 p.m. Bi-lingual
The Divine Liturgy will be livestreamed Sunday 10:00 a.m. Bi-lingual beginning Sunday, March 22
Click on this link to watch:

St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church – Whippany, NJ

The weekend Divine Liturgies will be broadcast live through the application Zoom on the internet. This is the YouTube link that shows how to install Zoom
After installation, you should click on the “join the meeting” link and the system will walk you through a quick installation on how to have it up and running:
The Divine Liturgy in English will be broadcast at 5 PM on Saturdays and in Ukrainian/English at 10 AM on Sundays for the time being, beginning the weekend of March 21-22.

Ss. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church – Bridgeport, PA

The Divine Liturgy will be live streamed Saturday at 6 pm and Sunday at 9 am beginning
the weekend of March 21-22 and every weekend until further notice.
There are two ways to watch.
1. Click on the YouTube Link to begin watching
2. You can also click on this link to go to Father Ron’s YouTube Channel.…

Coronavirus and Church Services

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

All services will be temporarily celebrated by the PRIEST ONLY and WITHOUT the participation of the assembly of the faithful in the church. 

But, Church is not cancelled.  I will celebrate ALL SATURDAY AND SUNDAY SERVICES for the intentions of the faithful, but sadly without your presence. 

All weekday Lenten Services will be celebrated by the PRIEST ONLY.

These temporary extraordinary measures find their basis not in lack of faith but in obedience to God, who commands that we care for the least of the brethren through self-sacrifice and obey our civil authorities and follow the directives of our Ukrainian Catholic Bishops in the USA.

This week, our church will remain open for Private Prayer on Saturday 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Confessions by appointment only.  For an emergency, please call the Parish Office 732-826-0767 or Fr. Ivan’s cellphone 202-368-2408.  For information, visit our parish website, and see the latest posted bulletin.

Rev. Ivan Turyk – Pastor

Pastor’s Corner: Coronavirus Vs Church

Dear Parishioners and Friends of Assumption Parish.
Many of you have questions regarding the status of our parish liturgical life during the coronavirus crisis. Please know that ‘The Church is not canceled’, but all weekday Lenten Services will be celebrated temporally WITHOUT the participation of the assembly of the faithful. I will celebrate ALL Sunday services for the intentions of the faithful sadly without your presence. This action is in compliance with governmental authorities and the directives if our Ukrainian Catholic Bishops in the USA. If you wish to come to the church to pray in private, or receive the Sacraments of Penance or Anointing of the Sick and for general information, please contact the parish office 7328260767 or visit our parish site

Дорогі брати і сестри парафії Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці.
У зв’язку з поширенням небезпечного захворювання коронавірус, наш розпорядок богослужінь на час карантину буде змінений. Усі богослужіння під час Посту і Недільні Літургії відправлятимуться у храмі тільки священиком і без присутності парафіян. Прошу Вас із розумінням та повною серйозністю поставитися до вказівок і рекомендацій які ми отримали від нашого Архиєпископа Митрополита Бориса Гудзяка і церковної ієрархії нашої Церкви у Сполучених Штатах Америки. Щоб отримати більше інформації, просимо дзвонити 7328260767 або відвідати наш сайт

Archbishop Borys Gudziak visits Assumption Parish and School

On Sunday, January 26, 2020 His Eminence Archbishop Metropolitan Borys Gudziak made his first archpastoral visit to Assumption Catholic Church and School in Perth Amboy, NJ. As His Eminence arrived to celebrate the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, he was warmly greeted by the parish financial officers Michael Raab Jr and Michael Lawrence with the traditional bread and salt and by the parish children presenting him flowers. Then Rev. Ivan Turyk, pastor of Assumption Parish welcomed the Archbishop and presented a Cross asking him to lead the parish family in the Divine Liturgy.
Serving at the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy with Archbishop were also Fr. Bogdan Zablotskyi from Ukraine, Deacon Paul Makar, Deacon Volodymyr Radko from Philadelphia, a seminarian Bohdan Vasyliv and parish altar servers.The parish’s choir “Boyan” prayerfully chanted the liturgical responses.
Archbishop Gudziak delivered an inspiring homily which touched the hearts of all present and at the conclusion of the Liturgy presented two Assumption Catholic School students with one year free tuition scholarship from the Scholarship Raffle the Archeparchy conducted for the parish schools. These two hard working and dedicated students were selected for being a living models of our school’s vision To Know, To Love, To Serve God.
The Liturgy was beautiful and Archbishop Borys was particularly impressed by the beauty of the church masterpieces, including extensive mosaic iconography and a rare painted biblical mural iconography by Jacques Hnizdovsky. Following the Divine Liturgy the parish provided a bountiful meal in honor of Archbishop.
At the reception His Eminence took the time to personally greet and bless many people, emulating the love of the Gospel through his words and actions. He was especially engaging with the youth, and encouraged them to remain close to the Church and to stay strong in their faith.
This special visit from Archbishop to the parish during Catholic Schools Week, was a special treat for students of Assumption Catholic School, who enthusiastically greeted the Archdiocesan shepherd as he was escorted through the school by the Principal Mrs. Lissette Shumny, pastor and members of the Family School Association.
It was a blessing and honor for the faithful of Assumption Community in Perth Amboy, NJ have His Eminence Archbishop Borys visit us within such a short time following his Enthronement in June. Thank you Vladyko and May God bless You in your ministry!

Theophany Feast and Meat Festival

On the feast day of Theophany, following the Divine Liturgy, the Great Blessing of the Water took place at Assumption Catholic Church in Perth Amboy, NJ. This year, the faithful together with their pastor Fr. Ivan Turyk and Rev. Evhen Moniuk from Philadelphia celebrated this holy day outside the church and in front of the Cross that was carved from solid ice. Fr. Ivan dipped ceremonial candles, then his right hand, and then the cross into the frigid waters and called upon the power of the Holy Spirit to bless the water. The feast commemorates the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River, as well as the manifestation of the Holy Trinity. He also sprinkles holy water on the faithful who attended the blessing outside the church. Following the blessing of water, all the faithful were invited to the school hall to enjoy the parish hospitality, homemade vine and yummy shish kebab luncheon. The area around the church smelled of delicious shish kebab and the event attracts pilgrims from all over. At the luncheon over three thousand dollars were raised for the wounded Ukrainian soldiers.

Assumption Parish Choir Christmas CD

Our church’s Choir Boyan under direction of Mrs. Alla Korostil has just released a CD album of 16 Ukrainian Christmas carols and “shchedrivky” sung by the choir. The disk includes a mix of traditional carols and contemporary compositions from Ukraine. Available for pick up $15 and $20 by mail. Send your checks to Choir Boyan or Assumption church at 684 Alta Vista Pl, Perth Amboy, NJ 08861. For more information call the rectory at 7328260767.

Різдвяний Диск.
Колядки це є невід’ємна частина українського фольклору та різдвяно-новорічних святкувань. Цього року церковний хор “Боян” у Перт Амбой, Ню Джерзі під керівництвом пані Алли Коростіль випустив Різдвяний CD з 16-ма українськими колядками та щедрівками. Після клопіткої праці, нашим хористам вдалося втілити їхню мрію у реальністю. Диск коштує $15 доларів і його можна придбати у церкві або у церковному офісі.
Ми також можимо переслати вам диск і з пересилкою він буде коштувати $20ю

Чеки виписувати на Choir Boyan or Assumption church. І висилати at 684 Alta Vista Pl, Perth Amboy, NJ 08861. For more information call the rectory at 7328260767.

New Year’s Eve Zabava.

Great food plus a rocking Ukrainian band, “The Fourth Wave,” plus sparkly decorations, plus three hundred fifty revelers equals one fantastic celebration. On December 31, 2019 the annual New Year’s Eve Zabava was held at Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Assumption in Perth Amboy, NJ. The festive ambiance, the beautiful hall decor, and the aroma of superb food and deserts delighted the attendees who were eager to welcome the year with song and dance. Thanks to everyone who made Zabava 2020 a great success!

Новорічна Забава.
Цього року більш ніж 350 людей мали нагоду провести Свято Нового Року у колі друзів та знайомих у парафії Успіння Богородиці у Перт Амбой. Гарно прибраний зал підкреслював романтичний настрій вечора. Гостей чекали щедро накриті столи та музична програма у супроводі музичного гурту «Четверта Хвиля». Було почуто багато гарних компліментів від гостей за музику, і звичайно найбільше за смачну вечерю приготовлену стараннями наших працьовитих і небайдужих парафіян.